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Systemic Candida infestation.....

I am more convinced that we have a systemic candida infection. I have been able to remove the candida from my intestines and visually seeing it in the toilet bowl using unconventional methods that I'm not allowed to talk about here. (Several times) The problem is that some still linger inside my body. Either its in a dormant stage and waits till I let my guard down to flourish again or has some kind of exoskeleton that protects it from anything that tries to penetrate it to destroy it.

I had really bad PATM reactions from people last week. My bowels had a very bad smell and my tongue was more white than usual. I took the xxxxxxx and I could feel it trying to leave my body as fast as possible. Only way for it to exit the body is anus, mouth or skin.

The problem with this is as soon as I eat the wrong foods again, it comes back to life and flourishes again and PATM reactions become unbearable.

What do you all think......
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Hi Ray.My uncoventional doctor said to me that I should be vegetarian till get rid all of this.But I am doubtful about this.Because grateful2011 is not cured by this diet and hopeful12345 is patm free but he is still on candida diet and he eats meat-chicken,beef.And it's interesting that in this forum one person is cured by tranquilizer.That''s why I think again about deficiencies,methylation problems(I have B12 deficiency) and they are related to psychological problems also.There is connection I think.I have tinnitus after all antibiotics I took in the past.And tinnitus is more strong when I'm exposed to electromagnetic field(wi-fi router sound is the same as my tinnitus).Does it means that I have bad wi-fi in my brain?.When I'm around nature my tinnitus decreased significantly.Unfotunately I'm always thinking about all of this electromagnetic gadjets because I get more reactions when I'm exposed to it.I say it many times-to beat PATM you have to think unconventionally.
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Hello mindspace,

Not all vegetables and fruits are good for you. Take for instance pineapple, watermelon, figs, carrots, strawberries, bananas among others are loaded with sugar and can actually increase your PATM reactions ten fold.
As you know, the digestive system is one long interconnected tube from your mouth to your anus. The only valves that separate the tube are the lleo-sequel  valve and the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The first seperates the small intestine from the large intestine and the second seperates the stomach from the esophagus. It’s possible to have GERD at both valves keeping them from completely closing which could allow bad smells/bacteria to escape out the mouth or skin/anus.
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Too much bad WiFi possibly weakened the blood brain barrier.  Allowing “it” to cross over.     The WiFi,parasites,and yeast all are part of mine 100%.      
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Could you explain your rationale when you refer to WiFi? Thanks in advance....
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Helpsavemykids it's interesting that another person in this forum who did capsule endoscopy said also that results  are yeast and parasites in small intestine and the same person is cured by blood transfusion.So there is another connection.Because you said ''Too much bad WiFi possibly weakened the blood brain barrier''
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Yeah it more than likely plays a part. About 3 or 4 years ago I went to a dermatologist for bad cystic acne on my chest and back. (It got a lot better by cutting out milk from my diet) . Anyways, during my appointment a second doctor came into examine my chest. I'm pretty sure he used some kind of black light or something ??? to look at my back and concluded it was related to candida. To this day I still have no idea what he was actually doing. For a short time after I was persribed an anti-fungal shampoo. I do think candida plays a role.
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Prescribed* sorry writing this on mobile
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I dont how to thank God for bringing me into Contact with this Group.  I have always related my PATm with feet odor but now i think its more than that.  Now when you said Candid. What i found out was when i rubbed my feet with Candid cream all the Patm and smell would go away for an hour or so.  what do you think it means
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