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Burning / tingling sensation at tip of Penis

This may sound like a thousand other posts here, but since early December I've been experiencing a burning / tingling sensation in the head of my penis. I had fully protected sex (oral and vaginal) with a new partner at the end of November, and immediately went into panic mode that I had caught something, despite this being fairly unlikely due to the fully protected nature of the sex.

I got tested privately for gonno and chlamydia out of panic. The results for such came back as negative. As I paid for the tests within the 2 week incubation period for those infections (when testing is only recommended if symptoms are present), I then tested again using the NHS (I'm in the UK. Gonno and chlamydia both came back negative again. But of course, the symptoms persisted.

And so I spoke with a sexual health nurse over the phone, fearing that I had NSU or NGU instead.  - I described all of the above, and the nurse told me it would be near impossible to contract NSU from completely covered sexual activity for oral and vaginal. With that immediate dismissal, I breathed a sigh of relied, and enjoyed Christmas with my family. The burning/tingling seemed to go away, but I'm not sure how much of that was in my head, with me not focussing on the problem. Anyway, after Christmas, the symptoms either came back or I couldn't ignore them any more, and so I went to my doctor.

I told them I had been tested for the regular STIs and the Dr gave me a single antibiotic dose (I think for yeast or fungal infections) and an over-the-counter anti-fungal cream. I used this for several weeks, to no avail. I returned to the Dr, who had a nurse dip my urine for a UTI, which was negative. I then did a further urine test the next week, which was sent to the hospital lab for further testing, I can only assume for kidney stones, other bacterias etc - they were a bit vague when I asked what this second urology was for. Of course, all of this came back negative.

So I went back to the sexual health clinic. I got seen in person this time. They took another further urine sample, examined me physically, and stuck a swab what felt like 2 inches down inside my urethra to test for NSU and urethritis. That was an unpleasant experience, I can assure you! They immediately analysed the swabbed cells under a microscope, and reported there was no signs of irritation or urethritis, much to my surprise. They sent the urine off anyway, and suprise suprise, this was also negative. The sexual health nurse suggested that I may be overthinking my symptoms out of guilt of cheating on my partner, and whilst I think there is an element of that here, there is definitely 100% a burning/tingling sensation in my urethra that was not present before November of last year.  

At this point I was at my wits end. I went back to a private testing service again, and ordered a fully STI screen of absolutely every single STI under the sun. I did a blood test for syphilis, hepititis and HIV, all of which was negative. I then did another urine test for gonno, chlamydia, and about 4 or 5 other more "obscure" STIs such as trichomonas, m-gen, ureoplasmia etc, as these are often the cause to NSU that the NHS cannot diagnose. The test even covered asymptomatic herpes shedding, from the rare occurence any small sores may have developed on the inside of the urethra. Everything was, to some relief, completely negative.

I returned to my Dr, this time steadfast in that I do not have an STI, and requested more tests. They did a blood test for bone issues, diabetes, blood cell counts, and most importantly in my opinion, PSA levels in the blood. After all of this, I saw no other alternative than prostatitis (even though I thought the same way about NSU until that was shot down). Of course, everything was clear, PSA levels were absolutely normal for my age (early 30s).

And so the Dr went the same way as the sexual health clinic. Saying I need to stop overthinking things and perhaps its my head, in so many words. But I know my body. And I know something is not right, even if its "just" a burning/tingling sensation in my penis.

I lasted about a week "ignoring" my symptoms when finally I called them back and asked please can we do something else. I now have a physical prostate exam scheduled for next week. but I'm not expecting them to find anything wrong with it.

I'm currently at my wits end mentally, and have spent 100s of hours probably, over the last few months, on forums such as this, looking for what could be an answer. I do have psoriasis, and sometimes i get inverse psoriasis where the top of my legs meets my groin, and I've considered maybe it has spread perhaps to my penis, but I've never been able to ascertain any physical symptoms of this (prosiasis is quite noticable).

If anyone, anywhere, has any ideas, suggestions or comments I would be eternally greatful. It's really started to effect my mental health and I fear it will ruin my relationship with my partner. Which would not be undeserved, but its driving me insane all the same.

Thank you to anyone who took the time to read all of this.
2 Responses
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Hi Jessi and anyone else reading this,

Just to keep everyone updated (and I will continue to do so until my symptoms are gone (if they ever go! Lol) as I've found this site invaluable in the past. Hopefully this thread will be useful to someone else going through the same thing, now or in the future.

I had my physical prostate exam this week and everything was fine and normal. Dr has now ruled out prostatitis as the cause of the urethral tingling. We did an additional urine test incase anything non-STD was missed, but it came back all clear.

I have now been referred to a urologist, but in the UK on the NHS this will take months and months before I can go to see one. So I need to change my approach in how I deal with this on a daily basis. That means addressing the anxiety around it, and accepting its probably not an infection, and moving on with life and finding alternative ways to deal with this as I wait for the urologist (which often can't help, if reading similar accounts is anything to go by).

So that means I've ruled out everything STD now, with the exception of HPV. And not being able to confirm if I have it or not is probably the root of my anxiety, I think, rather than the actual tingling. I can live with the tingling for now, if it means I don't have to lose my family for picking up an STI.

The reason I'm paranoid about HPV is because within the last two weeks a lump has appeared on the bottom of my scrotum (almost on my taint, if you'll excuse my lack of medically correct terminology lol). This is almost certainly an inflamed Fordyce spot (of which I have many) or an ingrowing hair, and a cursory inspection by my GP during my prostate exam suggested that it was indeed NOT a wart, but it set the cogs turning.

However - On my meatus, right on the red/pink lips where the urethra opens on the penis head, appears to be a tiny, tiny red dot. Like, about the size of if you made a dot on some paper with a ballpoint pen. I first noticed this when I was inspecting my penis when it first started burning/tingling at the beginning of December. If it was a tiny HPV wart, then that would mean it appeared on my meatus less than two weeks after protected sex. That seems highly unlikely, right? Not impossible, but unlikely to be HPV. Probably something that's always been there and I've just never noticed.

Does anyone know if its possible to have a single HPV wart this small?

I figured if there were any warts inside the urethra then it would have a.) Shown surely some abnormal cells on the urethral swab I had done and b.) Disrupt my urine flow, which seems absolutely normal, give or take a few dribbles at the end.

At this point if I can somehow eliminate HPV I can work on this in the long game, but for now it's still consuming my life as its one last STI that I cannot rule out because I can't test for it.

I'd like to just say again quickly that this site (and others) have been invaluable, even if there are no further responses, just writing all of this out can be rather therapeutic. It's also easy to get lost down rabbit holes on forums etc and make things worse in your head, but I feel like I've genuinely learned a lot about our bodies lol, and it's been amazing to see the support that people can give each other, even anonymously on the Internet.

Take care out there everyone.
Helpful - 0
The minimum incubation period for warts varies from person to person, and even from source to source, but the earliest I've seen cited is 3 weeks. The average seems to be 2 to 3 months.

The dot you see on your meatus can't be HPV, then. I doubt the spot on your perineum is either, esp because your doc didn't think it was.

Really, how does counseling sound? You've got a long wait ahead, have some guilt to work through, and some serious anxiety and guilt that counseling could help with.

Thanks for the update and the kind words. :)
Hi Jessi

Nice to hear from you.

Honestly, I wouldn't know where to begin with therapy or help for anxiety, or how I would go about doing that without letting my partner know. I know about Betterhelp, but that's about it.

Some is 100% wrong "down there though", even if I could magic away my anxiety I feel the symptoms would improve but not go away, yknow? I've noticed red blotches /rash patches appearing around the inside/underneath of my glans now too, but again I'm not sure if I'm causing these by constantly inspecting, whether it's my ongoing wider skin issues interfering, or they were always there and I'm only now really paying attention to them. They can come and go over the course of the day, so I'm thinking any of the above are possible, rather than say, herpes or something more sinister.

Also, in a completely unrelated set of circumstances, my long term partner had a pap smear for HPV last week and got the results today, and she was clear for both low risk (wart causing) and high risk (cancer causing) strains. As I had unprotected sex with her 3 or 4 days after I had my protected unfaithful encounter, I'd imagine, if I had HPV, I could have passed it on to her and she would be positive for it. I can take some piece of mind that she is negative, and therefore, hopefully, so am I. Unsure if it works like that, but it was a relief to find out she was OK.

You are right however about the long wait. I need to get this straight in my head as a mini breakdown every few days is not good for me or my family. For now I've gone back to trying to treat this as if it's a skin condition and will look at how much it would cost to see a dermatologist. I'm going to do two weeks solid of 2% canestan cream (thrush / yeast) fot now, as when the Dr suggested that I didn't believe them (my mind was set on NSU at the time) and I may not have followed the cream application regime so religiously (plus it was a weaker 1% cream).

Thanks for getting back to me.

Take care everyone.
I haven't used BetterHelp, but have used Talkspace, though in the US. At least here, you can either use insurance or self-pay. I have no idea how much it costs there, but you can research it on their site.

I found this - https://www.iesohealth.com/en-gb

And this -  https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/mental-health/find-a-psychological-therapies-service/

I don't know how each work, so I can't say how you'd do it away from your wife, but maybe you could do it on your lunch hour at work?

Definitely try the cream. Two weeks is long enough to know if it works or not.

Take care. :) Keep us posted.
Hi Jessi / all

Just to keep you posted, I'm mid way through the second week of using antifungal cream and there has been no improvement.

Unfortunately, since we last spoke, last Tuesday, I found another lump (series of smaller lumps?) on my foreskin. If erect/pulled back, it comes about midway up the shaft.

Honestly, it's impossible to tell what it is when you look up close at it, sometimes it looks like a lump, other times a series of smaller lumps. It's slighter redder than my usual skin colour, and probably 1 to 2 mm across, if pulled taught. Depending on how my skin colour changes, sometimes you can barely see it.

I've spoke with an online dermatology service, multiple Dr's on a well known question answering website, and with people on HPV forums on reddit. Some have said its possibly HPV, others have suggested other things, far from HPV. I've started noticing little skin tag like growths in amongst the hairs on my pubis, but I've never studied myself like this before so these could have been here for a while, I don't know.

I have an appointment with a genital warts "specialist" sexual health doctor next week and waiting to get seen is crippling me. The fear that I not only have genital warts, yet may have given them to my life long partner has brought everything to a stand still. I can't sleep, I can't eat, it's effecting my work and my partner is constantly asking if I'm OK. I'm trying so hard to hold it together. Betraying her for 20 minutes of fun is one thing, this is something else entirely. I could lose my whole family over this and forever be a carrier of the HPV virus.

Sorry for the vent. This is entirely a situation of my own creation but I can't deny this is super hard to get through. I know people out there are worse off but but I feel like I've thrown everything away over 5 minutes of fun.

And the urethral tingling and burning remains. Lol.

Deep breaths. One minute, one hour at a time.

Take care out there.
Ok - what is a genital wart specialist? I hope that is someone who will biopsy the spot if there is any question at all about what it is.

No one forever carries HPV. It clears the body within 2 years in 90% of those who have it, and the rest take longer, but they will clear it.

Look up Fordyce spots - maybe that's what you are seeing?

How's your water intake? Make sure you are drinking enough water, and lay off the caffeine and alcohol.

And I cannot stress this enough - counseling. Even if you don't have an STD, you are spiraling, and carrying so much guilt. If you can sneak out to see specialists, you can get some counseling.

Let me know how it goes with the specialist. Hang in there, and take care of yourself.
Hi Jessi

I am fortunate to have a STI clinic within driving distance. It's a small practice ran by two female doctors who have decades of experience in the STI / urology fields, and I've never been there, but one of the services they offer is an in person genital warts consultation and cryotherapy. It's not cheap, but the NHS wasn't able to help (the GUM referred me to a dermatology department and that can take months, so I politely declined). If this private clinic does not offer biopsies, I'll try and find a private dermatologist.

I've just found another spot has grown, very close to the other one. I've googled myself into oblivion. If this isn't genital warts, then I really don't know what else it can be. Again, I'm more concerned about having maybe given HPV to my partner, than of the symptoms on myself.

Monday is only a few days away. Hopefully, I will find out if I have warts or not. If I do, I will have to tell my life long partner, as I may have given them to her. I cannot even begin to process that conversation. This is the mother of my children.

I just want to say that I am not ignoring your suggestions of therapy and help. In fact, if things go as badly I as am expecting them to over the next few days, I'm going to need it. The same clinic that I'm going for the genital warts consultation also offers therapy, which I found interesting, as its an odd combination. At some point this needs to stop consuming my life, whatever happens, and I'll need help navigating that.

Today I also spoke with the woman who I had sex with at the end of November. She seemed genuinely surprised when I said I had symptoms of HPV warts. She said she was vaccinated and gets checked regularly. She even said she will try and get checked for HPV again soon by her doctor, as she genuinely believes this did not come from her.

Thanks for always responding. Getting everything written down here is enormously therapeutic and I massively, massively appreciate your support.

Take care.
Good news from the other woman. That she was vaccinated makes it less likely that what you are seeing is warts.

We are generally NOT good at diagnosing ourselves. Keep that in mind.

Stop googling. The internet is horrible with one site saying something, and the other saying another. Take the time until Monday to spend with your family, doing things that help you relax, and enjoying life.

Take the counseling offered by the clinic - and what a great service. I wonder if it's actual mental health therapy or STD counseling, but whatever it is, take it. :)
Hi Jessi

Yeah, it did give me a ray of hope when she said she was vaccinated. But the vaccine does not protect against all varieties of warts. Most, but not all.

I agree self diagnosing can be bad. But it's hard not to obsess when something is wrong. But thank you all the same for reminding me. Its just at this point, there's not much else it could be.

The clinic seems to offer genuine counseling, I don't know if it plays in part with sexual health, especially more serious diagnoses like HIV. I imagine that it does.

Thanks again for your comments and support. I will of course keep the thread updated (I hate it when they fizzle out with no follow up!) when I know more on Monday.

Take care out there.
Yes, not all, but it's the most common ones, so that at least makes it less likely.

Remember that tingling in the penis is most often anxiety - it's not a sign of an STD. You've tested for every STD possible, and don't have one.

You said that most of the time, you feel the tingling/burning when you are focusing on it, and not when you are busy - also a sign of anxiety. The bumps could be so many things - Fordyce spots, skin tags, Tyson Glands, angiokeratomas (these are usually red or dark, so I doubt it's this), folliculitis, molluscum (google that and see if it looks like this), irritation, etc. It's actually a long list of possibilities, which is why I'd hope they'd biopsy it.

You still have a lot of hope here.

Take care, and please stop examining your penis so much. :)
Hi Jessi and anyone else following this thread,

Yesterday I was diagnosed with genital warts. They were very small, and I swore to myself I'd push for a biopsy, but this Dr with 20 years of experience in sexual health said that there was no doubt in her mind that they were warts. I've now had a quick round of cryotherapy to remove them.

Since the appointment yesterday I've been through the worst 24 hours of my life. What I did not expect however, was the feeling of relief in coming clean to my partner about the cheating and the diagnosis. Clearly, this brings with it its own fresh hell, where ive been kicked from my own home and can't kiss my son goodnight, but for the first hour the weight off me was something I haven't felt before.

I tried to talk to my partner about the health side of this before it all got out of hand, and she has no symptoms, at least not yet. I am praying that she never has them.

I'm writing this from my car, which is rammed with as many of my things as could possibly fit. I'm going to get somewhere to stay and hopefully rest up and focus on my work for a bit (it's been slipping considerably through all of this). Just need to focus my mind for a few days until my partner (ex partner) hopefully will be willing to talk things through with me and I can see my son.

The urethral tingling / burning remains a constant throughout all of this. In fact, the Dr I paid to see was a specialist in, of all things, urethritis. It was her "thing", so to speak. She was unable to diagnose any issues with me in this regard, and we went through everything. No stone was left unturned.

To any men who are reading this: if you are unhappy in your relationship or with your sex life, please try and address the situation head-on. Dont be tempted by quick fixes like I was. I fully support sex workers, but damn is this a lottery of problems and I came out with a fat winning ticket. If you're single and accept the risks, crack on and have your fun responsibly. But to anyone with a wife or girlfriend, boyfriend, partner or with anything or anyone to lose, I urge you now to reconsider. An experience I thought would help take the edge off the stress and unhappiness in my life instead has increased both those things tenfold, and has cost me dearly both personally and financially.

Thanks to anyone out there reading, and to Jessi and this forum for support.
I do wish you'd gotten the biopsy, but if you're okay with it, that's fine.

I hope that you work something out so you can see your son with regularity, and that you and your wife end up in better places.

Go find some counseling as soon as you find a place to live, etc.

I wish you the best. :)
207091 tn?1337709493
So a couple of things pop out.

First, when you have STD symptoms, they don't go away when you ignore them. Focusing on other things and not noticing symptoms usually suggests it being an anxiety issue, not the other way around. Also, burning/tingling in the head of your penis is a vague symptom, and not really a symptom of an STD.

Every single test you've had is negative, and you've had numerous tests. At some point, you have to accept that it's not an infection.

So where do you go from here?

I'm not at all suggesting that your symptoms are all in your head. Anxiety can produce real, actual symptoms. Maybe that's what is happening. Maybe it's a hyper awareness. I don't know. Do you feel guilty about cheating? You said you "immediately went into panic mode" - it doesn't sound like that has stopped.  Even if it's not causing your symptoms, have you considered counseling? You wouldn't be the first person here who needs counseling to deal with the fallout of something like this.

How's your water intake? Caffeine and alcohol? Sports/energy drinks? Those are very dehydrating, and irritating to the bladder and urethra. Limit all of those and increase your water. See if that helps.

There are certain foods that irritate the bladder, and then the urethra. Carbonated drinks, juices, acidic foods, chocolate, tomato-based foods, coffee, caffeinated drinks, sweeteners, and spicy foods are just some of them. Try avoiding those for a bit and see if it helps.

You had no risk for the STDs that would give you the symptoms you have. Your numerous tests that you've had are negative.

Where in the UK did you get all the private testing done? We have lots of members here who look for that kind of testing, and I'd love to be able to refer them. Thanks. :)
Helpful - 1
Thank you so much for your detailed reply. It has been very reassuring. Its easy to get lost down Internet rabbit holes about what this could be, and I know in my head that doing that only makes things worse, but there are so many men out there who have the same issue and are unable to identify what is causing the tingling or burning. It almost always follows a sexual act with a new partner, which is why it has me worried, despite being fully protected. Realistically, I could live with this if I need to, I just don't want to give anything to my partner.

I got tested privately with The Sti Clinic (thesticlinic.com). People looking at that site may think it's quite expensive (we take the NHS for granted!), and it is, but it's the most reasonably priced service I could find. Their website also has lots of detailed info about STI symptoms and what test you should get. Their customer services were great to talk to and the turn around time at the lab was quicker than what was advertised on the website. I would recommend them, definitely.

Thanks again for your response. I can only hope there are others who are experiencing or have experienced what I am experiencing and can hopefully share a light at the end of the tunnel lol

Take care.
Thank you for that site!! Wow - it's not expensive, really, at least compared to some sites in the US, and they offer oral and rectal swab testing, too! This is great. You've helped a lot of people by sharing this. Thank you.

"It almost always follows a sexual act with a new partner, which is why it has me worried, despite being fully protected."  

So you don't get this when you have sex with your regular partner, just partners outside of your relationship? (Am I understanding this correctly - you have encounters outside your regular relationship?) If it only happens with a different partner, then I'd have to say it's anxiety.

If you are having encounters outside the relationship, maybe your anxiety is telling you that it's not good for your mental health to do so (no judgement, just an observation).

Thanks again for the site!
Hi Jessi,

Sorry I was referring to the many other posts of this nature, where men have similar symptoms yet cannot identify a cause. Usually it starts after sex with a new partner, although unlike in my case, in most cases some of the sex has been unprotected (usually oral).

I have been unfaithful once - the incident just before my symptoms started, which was with a sex worker. I won't go into the reasons as to why I chose to do this whilst in a long term relationship as that's another story in of itself -  but honestly it's not something I will ever do again. Even if my symptoms clear up right now this minute and never return, or turn out as you suggest to not be related to an STD or an infection, I have thoroughly learned my lesson.

I hope the clinic I've listed can help some folks. It's a small way I guess to give back to a forum that I've spent so long reading.

Thank you again for replying to my comments.

Take care.
Ohh I understand. I'm sorry I didn't get it.

I don't need the reasons for why you were unfaithful - those are yours, and have no bearing on the medical outcome of this.

There are lots of men here who have these symptoms for months after protected and unprotected sex. Like you, they had strong panic and anxiety reactions along with it. Also like you, when they are not focused on it, and are doing other things, they don't notice the symptoms.

Honestly, I wish I had a different answer for you. I wish I could tell you that you had some kind of infection because that's something concrete you can treat and maybe cure, right? Easy answer, easy treatment, deal with it and move on.

Anxiety isn't easy. It's not easy to accept symptoms that are manifesting from anxiety, or because of hyper-awareness.  Anxiety treatment isn't always easy, and it sure as hell isn't cured with a 7 day course of meds.

Just try to remember that guilt doesn't equal risk. Anxiety doesn't equal risk. You had protected everything. Scientifically, there is no way you could have gotten anything except HPV, herpes or syphilis. Those don't cause the symptom you have. You've tested negative for herpes and syphilis, and while there is no test for HPV in men, it doesn't cause tingling.

The only thing remaining is the prostate exam, and you're getting that done next week. If that's enlarged, it has nothing to do with the encounter - you have no STD bacteria that would be causing it.

Spend this weekend away from the site, or any other site. Go do something fun, spend time with your partner, friends, etc - as covid allows where you live. Relax. Let me know how the prostate exam goes. :)
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Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.