649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh In March 4, 2018

Okay, everyone, here we go...  I know we're only a few days into the challenge and I don't expect any big results, but we might as well get started, right??

If you've weighed this morning, go ahead and post your results below... I'll go first.  

I'm holding steady, which I'm okay with, at this point.  As I've noted, due to health issues and a variety of "diets" I'm supposed to be on, eliminating foods for various reasons, it's pretty difficult.  

I've been out walking a little over 2 miles every day, some days more, doing yard work, etc so I'm getting plenty of exercise every day. My metabolism isn't what it should be because of thyroid issues, which is something you'll hear quite regularly because I have a lot of trouble with that and it's a constant battle with doctors to get it reulated...

So, that's my story; what's yours?  How did you do?  Are you happy with it?  Could you have done better?  What else could you have done? Do you have suggestions for the rest of us?

Your turn and have a wonderful, successful week.
10 Responses
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973741 tn?1342342773
Sorry, it's Monday morning!  I'm late.  So, this is depressing.  I didn't lose anything!  I didn't gain anything either.  It wasn't a full week, I'm going to factor that in. And it was a weird one.  I got lots of exercise for a few days of the week and then didn't feel well for a few where I was a couch potato.  And I also had some high stress so I did more comfort eating then I should. I even had fast food for the first time in gosh, six months?  (boy was that good). So, it could be worse.  Fast Food = Big Butt.  

This week, I'm renewed.  Feeling better (I think).  Husband is traveling all week so pretty busy with kid stuff at night.  But plan to stay focused.  Our weather is turning again to cold with snow flurries, sigh.   But I'll make it happen.

So, I'm weight neutral this week. :>((((((  
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There are no rules about having to post on Sunday, so don't feel bad about posting on Monday.  As you can see, nobody else did, either...lol  

I always figure weight neutral is better than gaining, so consider yourself lucky on that point.  Being sick is never good, neither is losing weight when you're sick; we always prefer that weight be lost in a healthy manner.  

Every week/every day is a chance for a new start.  Good luck...
649848 tn?1534633700
I just want to remind everyone that you aren't required to weigh on Sunday... if you weighed on Friday or Saturday or even if you didn't weigh until this morning or tomorrow, feel free to post your loss (or gain) on this thread...

There are no hard and fast rules... we're simply looking for participation...
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495284 tn?1333894042
I lost 1 lb last week.  I walk on average of 4 miles a day at work.  Thru my husbands employer we have to wear a fitbit that tracks our steps.  We can earn an extra 1700.00 dollars a year in our HSA so it is worth it.  

I have noticed since i started the "lowering the cholesterol" phase of my life that when i eat off the beaten path of my chicken fish etc my belly just doesnt do well.  I had a twice baked potato with a very small pat of butter and i felt like i had eaten a lb of butter.  It was awful.  Why does that happen now?  I couldnt imagine having fast food now.  The fries sound wonderful but i know the consequences wouldnt be good!!  lol
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It's awesome that you wear the Fitbit and get a bonus for doing it... I wear one all the time, too, because it helps encourage extra steps, but I'm the only one who knows anything about it, so it's easy to slough off if I don't feel like doing much in a day... :-(  

Sometimes as we get older, we start becoming more sensitive to certain foods, especially, dairy, gluten (protein in wheat, rye, and barley), sugar and soy products, which could explain why you didn't feel well after eating the butter.  Also, after we don't eat certain foods for a while, our body isn't used to them, so in effect, we cause ourselves to become sensitive to that food.  I know someone who caused herself to become sensitive to gluten by not eating it for a long time.  She had to gradually re-introduce it into her diet in order to be able to eat it again.

If you're doing well without those foods, you're probably better off not eating them...
I forgot to mention that I usually end up with between 3-4 miles on my Fitbit at the end of the day.  My goal is always 10,000 steps, which is about 3.75 miles for me.   I'm short, so my steps are smaller than most people...
134578 tn?1693250592
I stepped on the scale tonight for the first time in months, and found I'm at the top of what I would consider my "looking like an average person" weight range. I have been this weight as a set point many times before in my life. But I think I look better ten pounds lighter, so here goes. Was running without food this morning and it was "staff appreciation day" and there were doughnuts. That probably explains the last quarter of a pound anyway.
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I'm going backwards on this new resolve to eat smarter. Last night I had a candy bar. This is not good!  lol
Doughnuts and candy bars would have a tendency to make the scale go the wrong way... :-)  It's comforting to know I'm not the only one that gives in to a treat though.  
649848 tn?1534633700
We went on an outing with our neighbors today, which included lunch and a sightseeing tour.  I did really well for lunch, eating only a piece of fish and some cole slaw.  We had a very nice time and on the way home, we decided to stop for dessert, which I needed like I need a hole in my head.  It tasted good but it left my stomach feeling bloated and all the sugar left me feeling tired and foggy, so I'm not sure it was worth it...  :-(   Next time, I'll find something else to order.
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495284 tn?1333894042
I use unsweetened almond milk now.  I still cant drink a glass of it but on my raisin bran and cheerios it is good!  I love grilled chicken and use a lettuce leaf as my bun.  I am not a candy fan so that doesnt bother me.  I do miss cheesecake and apple fritters but the voices in my head remind me of why i am doing this!!
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I use unsweetened almond milk, too, but neither can I just drink a glass of it.  I can't eat most cereals, but I use the milk or other things - tonight I made a cup of hot chocolate with it, though I'm not supposed to have chocolate either.  It works well in smoothies or shakes if you do those. Coconut milk works well, too but has a lot stronger taste and there are too many things I don't want tasting like coconut...

I use lettuce leaves for buns/bread, too.  If I'm having tuna, chicken or egg salad, I'll even use celery sticks or hollow out cucumbers... I've thought about trying red or yellow peppers, but haven't done it yet.
Thanks for the ideas other than lettuce!  I bet the peppers would be good.  Will try that out!

I could see coconut milk in a smoothie but like you said it wouldnt work in alot of things.

Avocados have become my thing too.  I add a small amount of red onion and some lime juice, mix and eat!  Love it with chicken!

Pinto beans are another good food for me as they contain folate and protein.  I like it with chicken tacos on corn tortillas.

I read all the ingrediants on food now and was surprised to see the frozen skinless chicken breasts in the bag(usually 3 or 5 lb bag)  The cholesterol was high in that.
McDonalds has been posting the calorie counts on their menu. J--- F--- C----- what a lot of high-calorie meals! My son eats their hamburgers with nothing on them, and I drink their iced tea (which is surprisingly good) but seriously, people should complain.
what I'm about to write is NOT going to be helpful.  This is true confessions.  This has been a BAD week and if I don't gain weight on Sunday's weigh in, I'll be shocked.  I went to a little market.  The lady who works there was practically following me around.  they had free samples of this beer cheese spread.  I tried, it. Was okay.  So, since she was eyeing me up (that's my excuse) I bought it with every intention of saving it until the weekend when the whole fam might enjoy (who am I kidding).  That stuff was in my house for 10 minutes before I was digging in and ate the WHOLE thing before my kids even got home from school.  Finger running along the bottom to get it all type of thing.  OMG.  Out of control.

And I didn't exercise much this week. We reverted back to full on winter, flurries every day and husband is out of town.  I didn't go to the gym telling myself I'd work out at home.  Has yet to happen other than the maniac cleaning I seem to do whenever my husband is gone (you should see the inside of my frig . . . under the drawers and all, sparkly clean but NO ONE will ever notice that but me even though it took me 4 hours to clean it well (seemed something dark in color spilled back behind the drawers, what I have no idea but I had to do some serious scrubbing for that, lovely, right?)

It's just been bad complete with the cheese debacle and also a good dose of nachos and pizza.  No joke.  I am a little mad at myself.  Next week is a new week.  

And ya, mcdonalds.  Hefty on the calories.  High on taste.  I LOVE it.  But try not to go there.  I heard they soak their burgers in some kind of liquid to preserve them that is all chemical.  Appetizing.  
649848 tn?1534633700
Sarah, I do avocados, too.  I like to eat them with fresh pineapple, but I bet they'd be good with the red onion and lime juice, too with maybe a touch of cilantro...

The best smoothies I make have about a 1/2 cup of coconut milk, a frozen banana, about 1/2 cup other frozen fruit and maybe some spinach or romaine lettuce leaves, about 1/2 tsp cloves and fresh ginger (I use about a tablespoon, but that might be too much for some people)... Blend it all together and with all the frozen fruit, it ends up relatively firm like ice cream... Fresh ginger doesn't taste anything like ground ginger you buy in the bottle.  It gives food some zing and it's really good for you...

I've gotten to where I by-pass McDonald's whenever possible because I'm supposed to be gluten free which means no bread. I have a hard enough time without adding fast food to the mix.  If my husband "absolutely" insists on a burger joint, I'll agree to Hardee's because they'll do a low carb burger where they put it on good sturdy lettuce leaves so I can still pick it up and eat it like a burger.  I can have that and a few fries and not blow my eating plan completely out of the water, except I'm not supposed to have the lettuce either, though it's better than the bun... That doesn't change the fact that nobody beats McDonald's fries... lol

Specialmom - give yourself some slack; that beer cheese spread sounds pretty darn good...lol  You've been under some stress lately and you're right - next week is a new week... In fact, tomorrow is a new day!!

You did know that cleaning is exercise, didn't you?  Just think of all the bending, stooping, scrubbing/arm movement you did cleaning that fridge; not to mention the sense of satisfaction we get from accomplishing something like that, whether it's something anyone else can see or not.  Don't short change yourself.
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134578 tn?1693250592
I read an interesting article on doing a 5-day water fast. (Ordinarily, stuff like that goes right past me, but obviously, here we are.) The article said back when humans were evolving, they didn't have three squares per day, they sometimes had nothing and sometimes had an antelope and sometimes had roots or fruits or berries or nuts, and they did just fine eating sporadically like that; the body burns its fat stores when there is no big stuff incoming. I can go long stretches of hours without eating when super busy, and always feel fine. Maybe burning fat reserves explains why.

The main idea is to trigger the body, by giving it only water, to burn fat. I seem to have many carefully laid-down fat stores in the stomach region from all my assiduous pop drinking, so I put a mental target there, wondering how long it would take for the triggering mechanism to get the word from all that water that it needed to start borrowing from my stomach storeroom.

Full of great intentions, I tried it. Unlike the author, I didn't do a complete water diet (which is: water. And you have to make sure it's filtered and be careful about your electrolytes, and some other rules also, like be ready to lie down). I went with just water and vegetables. This seemed to mimic hunter-gatherers in a place where they could gather but not hunt. So, all day, just water, veggies, water, veggies, water. I developed what I think was a caffeine-rebound headache, so had some tea and aspirin. (Since my main enemy is sugar, I wasn't too worried about the tea giving me some secret item not helpful in the diet, and besides, I thought the caffeine would help. Once one of those headaches gets hold, I'm really stuck and can need codeine to break its grip.) Though I felt a little hungry by evening, it was certainly not unbearable. By day 3 you're supposed to feel great and by day 5 (the last day when you do a real water fast) you're even supposed to be able to be in a restaurant or cafeteria and not get hungry.

Anyway, I made it to the night of day 1. My husband had a client in town and we all were supposed to meet at a German restaurant. My son, Devil, said, "Mommy, maybe you could try starting your diet tomorrow." So that was it, I had salad, lamb and potatoes. (Maybe the tribe caught a lamb that day, right?)

But, and this is the important part, stayed away from sweets all day. I had no pop, no secret Valentine's candy, none. Not even at dinner. Given that the idea was to eat only veggies and water, at least the salad was OK, and though the potatoes doubtless had something mixed into them to make them yummy, it wasn't sugar [of course, they are carbs]. Anyway, I went home ready to start again tomorrow. No change on the scale, but none was expected. Interestingly, I was super sleepy, just could barely keep my eyes open at 8 pm.

Next morning, water and veggies and a slice of prosciutto. (The hunter-gatherers obviously carried around cured pork.) Then a small meal in the afternoon. Then a green salad with chicken chunks. And water, water, water. But again, though this seemed to be "eating" more than a "fast" of any kind, I didn't falter on the Dr. Pepper. I had been having a glass a day before that. I couldn't tell that night if I had seen any weight change because I stepped on the scale without wearing my glasses, and was too unimpressed with my lack of discipline compared to the water and veggies idea, to even look.

OK, so it has been four? five? days since the actual disciplined water, veggies, water, veggies day that ended in the German restaurant. Though I didn't go completely water, veggies for the intervening days, this change of intention did change my diet. I''m eating pretty much a Mediterranean diet, including a little bread (not much, I don't really like bread). I even had a few small sweets after dinner the last two nights. But the good news is, it hasn't been snacking in the day, and it hasn't been sweets in the day, and I haven't had any pop, which I already knew was my problem, but turns out was truly my downfall. How do I know? Stepped on the scale this morning. I am down FIVE POUNDS. Who knew!?!? It's gotta be the pop, since that is the main thing I've been ultra disciplined about. I have never lost 5 lbs. in a week in my life. If I had the nerve, I'd throw a tape measure around my waist. (I don't have the nerve. But I might look in the mirror and see if I can still stick it out further than my bustline.) It will be interesting to see if the loss slows down (I presume it will when I get to a point where my fat reserves are not so readily available. They must have been bursting the storeroom doors.) It will be hard for me to keep away from the pop. But I'm pretty motivated.

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Bounced back a bit, but I never believed the 5 lbs. was going to last. Down 3 lbs. from last week. (Thank you, water-diet-theory-based epiphany about no more fountain drinks.) Still have tummy, just not getting bigger.
1235186 tn?1656987798
Hi ladies i want to join too. I have been slowing but surely losing since last may. At that point,  I was over my highest pregnancy weight. I haven't been pregnant in 19 years.
I too have thyroid issues, hashimotos  disease.
Also lost menopausal, terrible for metabolism.

I have lost 12 lbs since May And Hope to Lose 15 More.
Thanks I Needed this.

Congrats Everyone.
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Post menopausal. These devices have minds of their own. Changing my words.
649848 tn?1534633700
atthebeach... Hi Debbiee.  You're more than welcome to join us.  The more the merrier...

I posted a weight loss challenge back on Feb 28 that gives the particulars...here's that link, so you can see what we're all about:

I post a new weigh in thread every Sunday.  The one for this past Sunday can be linked here:

Since you have Hashimoto's/hypothyroidism, my first question has to be whether or not your thyroid hormone levels are optimal - that's not TSH, it's actual thyroid hormones.  If they aren't, losing weight is about the most frustrating thing I can think of.  Add menopause and maybe insulin resistance (even if you don't know you have it) to the mix and you can really have a recipe for disaster.  

Personally, I had a surgically induced menopause and sailed through that much easier than I'd have thought since peri-menopause was a living nightmare.  Once I got through my hysterectomy, life was good for about 12 yrs.  I maintained my 95-105 lbs of weight, sometimes, actually dropping too low (I now know that was hyper phases of Hashimoto's), until suddenly, within 3 months in 2008, I gained 30 lbs and nothing I did would stop it.  Yep, that's when I found out I had hypothyroidism and was later found positive for Hashimoto's.  I went on to gain almost 30 lbs more before I could halt the gain.  That was due to inadequate thyroid hormone levels. I've had to struggle to maintain adequate levels ever since.  I, later, added insulin resistance to the situation, which made it worse.

I've since lost 26 lbs (some of them multiple times...lol), but I'm stalled now and can't seem to get the rest off.  Obviously, I've gotten a lot older and shouldn't/don't expect to weigh 105 lbs anymore, but I sure need to drop "some" of what I'm still carrying because I wasn't built to weigh a lot...

Hypothyroidism and insulin resistance, often, go hand in hand and we don't even realize it's a problem unless we have doctors that are willing to look at everything.  

There's some interesting discussion about sugar and inflammation on this week's weigh-in thread, linked above, so I hope you'll have time to read it and join in there, too.

Be sure to look for the new weigh in thread Sunday morning (it'll have Sunday's date on it).  Even though you won't have been in the challenge for a whole week, be sure to join in and let us know how it's going for you.

Again, welcome...  
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