579258 tn?1250649343

Are You Accountable? Time for a Roll Call

OK .. last week we had our first live chat and absolutely had a blast!  Information, comments, humor and wisdom were flying as fast as members could type and click "post".  

A by-product of that chat was a desire to hold ourselves accountable for exercise.  Those of you who participated know who you are ... ;)   Those of you who weren't able to, this still affects you too.

If we want to realize our dreams and our weight loss goals ... and bring our bodies to a state of health ... we simply must exercise.  This can be fun, exciting and an adventure in trying old and new ways to move.  We can share this with each other by posts and via our exercise trackers.  So ...

Are you in?  Are you going to hold you accountable?  Shout out in the poll and in a comment below.  We'll be working to remind you and keep you motivated towards this goal.  It's a new week, a new day ... let's meet it with open arms and the effort required to make changes!
31 Responses
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649848 tn?1534633700
I use the Wii Fit daily (most days) and I love it.  You can personalize it in several ways and it will keep track of your weight, BMI, type and amount of exercise, etc.  It also gives you a "Wii Fit age", which may or may not be close to your calendar age.  For instance, my Wii Fit age runs between 36-42 yrs and my actual age is 59 yrs; therefore, my body does as well as someone approx 40 yrs old, so in spite of the fact that I'm carrying approx 30 lbs more than I should, my body's in fair shape.  Some days, when my joints are really stiff (thyroid related??), my Wii Fit age is much closer to my actual age.  It starts out with "easy" exercises, which include balance games, strength training, yoga, and aerobics and gives you points as you work out.  When you achieve enough points in each category, it opens up new, more difficult exercises, etc.   I recommend it for anyone because you need to do only what you feel comfortable doing (your baby steps) and doesn't mind anyone being a "turtle", so on days when I don't feel "top notch" I can stick with yoga or lower impact, easier things.  It's great for me because I have a limited of "safe" area to walk in my neighborhood so it gets boring quickly; therefore, I depend on getting in my walking while I'm at work and can walk on various school campuses, then do my Wii Fit workout after work.  Good for colder climates where outside activities may be limited.  By all means, add it to your "wish list"; however, keep in mind, it can get rather spendy if you don't already have the Wii console, etc.  
Helpful - 0
649848 tn?1534633700
Your hubby must be easier to force into a walk than mine is!!  He wouldn't dream of it - after all "why walk if you don't have it?".  I've already done quite a bit of walking today & hope to get in the workout after work, but also have to go vote, so we'll see if there's time for both!!  

Love to see the enthusiasm here.  Helps keep me motivated.  Thanks
Helpful - 0
483733 tn?1326798446
I didn't get to exercising yesterday (too many appointments and too much bad news to deal with) but did work out some this morning and forcing hubby to join me for a walk tonight.
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616227 tn?1251076398
Today's plan is to eat aliitle more healthier, to take aonther step closer! Hope everyone have a great day and stick to your plans!
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649848 tn?1534633700
I love the Wii Fit - you can set it up with your own trainer, etc and it lets you know whether or not you are doing the exercises correctly or not.  The walking not only "fits" in to my job - but is required as I often have to "hoof" it back and forth across school campuses, some of which are a mile or more across, locating and solving various problems.  I don't think my problem is lack of exercise - I must be eating wrong, so that's the next thing to work on.  
Have a great day.
Helpful - 0
579258 tn?1250649343
Well done everyone!  100% Commitment, participation and accountability?  What's on tap for today?  

My time is at a premium today with some OT at work; trying to figure out where to grab the time.  Am opting for a 20 minute walk before lunch and while smaller than I'd hoped, it is a realistic goal for today and is testing my flexibility and commitment.  

Your efforts are most inspiring and I'm anxious to see what you'll be doing today?  Would also like to know what you think of Wii fit .. should I put this on my "wish" list???
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