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Since I'm new--- what's your goal?

I'm still trying to get to know people here so I'd love to hear about you, your goals, why you want to lose weight, etc. Just whatever! I really liked those goal t-shirts I'd see on commercials all the time. If I had one it'd read "LOSE THE BABY FAT" or "TO GET BIG AGAIN" (we are wanting to conceive a third baby).

Anyway, I weighed in at 188lbs this morning. My goal is around 135. I'd just be happy with reaching 150lbs at this point but really want to get down to 135!
23 Responses
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731855 tn?1234873571
Hi everyone!  I got on MedHelp for the trackers and now I'm finding all of these forums and it seems like this one is a real community!  That's nice.

My goal is 135.  I want my doctor to give me a goal number, but since he's not going to, I decided to make one up :-)  I think my BMI ideal weight is like 135, so I decided that's what I should shoot for.  That's 60lbs from when I started in November and 45lbs from now.  It's do-able, I know it has to be if I put some effort into it!
But I need to do it quickly.  The longer I have the weight, the longer I suffer from a medical condition, IIH, so I'm going to work really hard!  I wasn't happy with my weight and I'd been trying to lose weight for awhile, but when the doctor told me that I could stop the vision problems and the headaches and everything else if I lost weight, it became an imperative.
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362249 tn?1441315018
Joy-Not sure bout every1 else but my username on spark people is the same as here if you are looking for my page!!
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Jame- we are here to support you!!! *HUGS* I just joined spark people myself. It's amazing and I haven't even seen all of it yet. I'm going to reply to your message, too. Slowly making my way to my messages, LOL!

twehner, so nice to meet you too!!! You've really inspired me and I hope this inspires my husband, too, becuase he has lower back problems. I want him to realize that he can still work toward his goal, even when it seems he is limited physically. THANK YOU!
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657315 tn?1319491387
Hi, Great Post! I was gone for 2 weeks and have been slow this week getting back into the swing of things - so happy to meet you!!!

In the summer of 2006, I weighed 210lbs.  After knee surgery, I decided to begin my own walking program - and started losing weight.  That lead to a 70lb weight loss (and other physical activities).

Unfortunately, last Dec., I began gaining weight again and by last summer I had gained 33lbs back.  I have lost some of that AGAIN.  Now, I have 15.5lbs to lose to get BACK to 140.

My goal for weight loss is that I want to feel better and be healthier.  I am in the best physical condition of my life, except for my left knee.  I have had another knee surgery since the one that got this started (a total of 5 surgeries on the same knee).  Obviously, my knee is also a big reason for me to keep my weight off.

All that so say: right now I weight 155.5 and my goal is 140. I am 5' 7" tall.

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362249 tn?1441315018
Hey jame!! glad you could join us as well!! If you dont have much time to exercise you might look at spark people its another site i use and the vids. they have are 10 mins. long but they will so help!! Thats how i got started!!
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285848 tn?1219092313
Hey joy...would pretty much know most of my story! lol

I'm 5'2, used to be 125lbs and happy, then I miscarried In Sept of 07 and ever since then my weight has shot up to its current 160 lbs... I hate it..I would love to be about 120..so I just started a diet...which I am already struggling with. I feel really unmotivated and not very supported too. No one else is really trying to diet around me...I am the biggest person out of everyone I know and am close with...I wish I could go back to being 125 pounds. I want to start working out but by the time I get home from work I really don't have the energy..I just need a push and a shove. When I think about possibly losing weight I feel good, but then when it comes to what I need to do I am so lost! I don't even know how to diet! I've read what I need to do, but can seem to find the motivation to get things done...I think I am slowly starting to suffer from depression. I hate the way I look and really want to change it, but I hate what I have to sacrifice!
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703362 tn?1427766328
Oh My!  Wanna laugh?  Had to ask my teens what a MILF was.....LOL!  They told me...only sort of in a round about way!  How funny is that?  My son (16) was like...but Mom...are you sure?!?  Okay well, you asked.......

I wanna look like that too...only I think that I will have to come up with a new and exciting acronym for it....Hhhhmmmmm, well, I have a little time to think on that one.  ; )  
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362249 tn?1441315018
Lol that is so funny!! Thats another reason for me too! I dont have kids yet but i am bound and determined i am NOT getting fat and by summer my body will be slamming hot lol!! So when i do get pregnant i wont be in bad shape and i will be a MILF also!!
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I currently weigh 152, my goal is 135 by May.   I HAVE TO DO THIS!!!!!
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I am here for 2 reasons...One, of course, is to lose the weight, build muscle and look like a MILF!  LOL  (excuse my language!)

The second, and more important reason is for my mental well-being.  I am such a different person when I am trying to improve myself.  My self-esteem and energy get such a boost!  I suffer with Anxiety and Depression and many many times don't even have the energy to get out of bed.  I just get soooo down in the dumps and hopeless (but this is for another forum!)  When I make accomplishments for myself and take control of myself, I feel that I have more control over other things in my life.  My attitude is better.  I am a better wife, teacher, friend, and most importantly...mother.

So that is why I am here!

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697132 tn?1232385772
Mine is two part. I want to work my way down to 150-155ish. I'm currently at 180 (down 10 pounds from last year =D)

but at the moment, my goal is to lose at least 10 pounds in 8 (now 7) weeks. I'm even using the trackers on this site to help. They're quite nice I must say!

Good luck to you all on these goals! They sound amazing and I can't wait to see what you all accomplish!!

And Gokuangel and lucindamartinez, congratulations! that's great to hear about your weight loss and I bet that's even greater to feel!
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362249 tn?1441315018
TY so much!! you guys on medhelp have always been great and helped me learn so much! Thats why i couldnt let yall go even when my TTC had to be halted! TY again!!
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Lisa- I hear you! Diabetes is in my family, too. Thankfully I don't have the diabetic issue associated with my fertility problem (PCOS- polycystic ovarian syndrome) and I hope it stays that way!

Barb- I have a friend in real life who has Hashimotos and you're right, YOU CAN DO THIS! She is doing it and you're going to do it too!

Ranae- I love how selfless you are! *HUGS*

Trudie- I'm right here with you, almost the same weight and I am the same height. Let's do this together!!!

Lucinda- you're an inspiration because I'm over 180. I cannot wait to see 160 on the scale! Thank you for motivating me!

smrdd- I think every overweight parent thinks the same. We want to see our babies grow up and have babies themselves!

msniki- as someone who only developed a fertility problem when I gained 50 lbs (after having two children) I'm really glad to see you taking care of this. I've had a miscarriage 7 weeks ago after trying for 13 months for a baby. My two daughters were fast conceptions (when I was a lot healthier and more slim). I hope that I can inspire you and I can't wait to work together with you!

wonko- you can do this!!! You've already done so much and I cannot wait to learn from you.

suzzie- we're right here for you. Diets typically don't work. It's all about changing your lifestyle and I know depression can not only make it impossible to lose weight, but it can add weight. *HUGS*

gokuangel- I cannot wait to see you get your BFP!!!
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362249 tn?1441315018
hiya again!! My shirt would read oh yes i can do this! or I AM in charge! I just starting losing weight cus i was not happy with my appearance or the way my clothes fit! my bmi was .5 from being considered in the overweight mark which i did NOT want! And as you already know TTC puts a TON of stress on you so with that, my health, and living with in laws i had really gained too many xtra lbs so now that im moved i am motivated!!
I was about 138 lbs when i start im around 129 now. My bmi went from 24.4 down to 22.85 or right at 23! My goal is another 9 lbs and to seriously tone up. i want to weigh 115-120 but with muscle i have to expect a bit more so according to my fat tracker i need to weight 122 lbs to be 20%!  so im going to make this my new goal!! GL to U with ur weight loss and getting your third baby!!
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I am new to all of this also, but I have many health problems.  I do not feel good being overweight, and it just adds to all my other problems.  I have hypertension, parathyroid disease,kidney disease, Leukemia, diabetes.  I just got very depressed, and did not care for awhile.  I was never thin, and I am only 5'3".  I cannot keep carrying this weight.
My goal is to lose at least 140 lbs, but taking one day at a time.  I have tryed every diet there is, and could never stick with it.  I bought a decent scale that is accurate.  That is my first step.
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428506 tn?1296557399
I also have always been heavy.  When I was younger, moving between part time jobs and classes and such kept things in check.  It was during grad school that I really, er, packed it on!  I didn't think I could handle the stress of school AND taking care of myself.  So I totally ignored the later, and put on about 60 lbs to my already oversized frame....

After I graduated in '07, my bad habits were well-establsihed and I kept on the extra weight, even after the stress of school was over.

Sping '08 I decided enough was enough.  On top of everything, I was going through undiagnosed health problems and decided I'd better start taking care of myself.  I quit smoking and drinking, and over-hauled my diet from mainly take-out/restaurant and processed stuff, wahsed down with gallons of diet soda, to a mainly whole food, vegetarian diet with water and tea.

My goal is to lose a total of 100 lbs.  I like nice round numbers!  Truth is, it'd be good for me to lose even more than that.  So far, since I started weighing myself in May, I've lost 40ish lbs. from my 5'9" frame.  I've been totally stuck lately, not able to shake more weight off, but with all of the excitement here, and finally moving forward with my health, I'm hoping to get moving again soon!
If I can get below 200 lbs in 2009, which would be a total loss of 70 lbs or 70% of my ultimate goal, I'd be thrilled!  I'm taking it slow and have stuck with this effort longer than any previous reform I've attempted.

Great meeting you and glad you've joined us!
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I've been heavy my whole life. Now I feel its the time to change. Me and my boyfriend want to have a family some day, so I need to start losing weight so we can hopefully conceive without medications. I need to lose about 97lbs this year, and another 50lbs next year. Im also wanting to lose weight because I want to look and feel better too and have a normal menstrual cycle without bc pills. I've lost 36lbs since 9/14.
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Im here to get healthy i need to lose about 100 lbs i want to be here to watch my children grow up and have kids of their own i need to lose this weight
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703362 tn?1427766328
My goals are many....but how 'bout the short version?  lol!  I want to be healthy.  My mother died at the age of 51 and her mother at the age of 52.  Both had diabetes type I, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, and the list doesn't end with the end of my arm.  I am looking to extend the female life expectancy in my family by a long shot.  Maybe even double it....hehe!

Okay, weight-wise I started at 198.  Takes me a long time to lose because of medications, but it is happening.  ; )  This morning I am down to 160.3.  My goal weight is 130, right where I was a little more than 10 years ago at my wedding.  Totally doable, just requires some patience and persistent/consistent work on my part.  I think 130 on me would look pretty good at 5'5", particularly given that I would like some toned muscle mass here and there, not just be super thin.  ; )

Other goals....run some good races!  Looking forward to the Cherry Creek Sneak at the end of April (that's when it's usually held, have heard no announcement yet).  That one is a 5K.  Been trying to lengthen my runs and working towards a 10K this year.  Beyond that....the sky is the limit.  Would actually like next year to go for a half marathon or maybe even some sort of triathalon (shorter versions...not ready for Iron WoMan just yet).  Have to work on my swimming though....not a strong enough swimmer just yet.

Hhhmmm....my T-shirt.  What would it say?  I think I might need a whole slew of them actually (to add to my race shirt collection....lol!).  How about "Quit is a Four Lettered Word"...."No Guts, No Glory"....."Pain is just Weakness Leaving the Body"......"I Like to Move It...MOVE IT!"  Haha...now you got me thinking...gonna have to work on some T-shirts for the gym!  ; )    
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483733 tn?1326798446
I am currently at 180 (was at 195 last June) and my initial goal is to get to 150 lbs.  I am only 5'3".  I want to feel younger, healthier, look more professional and feel sexier.  Heart disease and arthritis runs in our family and with my hypothyroidism and my past use of steroids for ulcerative colitis, I have a real battle on my hands but will win.  

My t-shirt would say I CAN DO IT!
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579258 tn?1250649343
What a delightful post and truly hope EVERYONE participates in this!  What a great way to get acquainted!  I wanted to live and be healthy, to be able to have my grandchildren sit on my lap that was occupied by my tummy (tummy went almost to my knees), and to live the life I was meant to live ... to learn how to treat myself with the kindness I try to give to others.

My t-shirt would read ... BELIEVE ... your Dreams WILL come true ... Choose your path! OR Live Simply - Love Generously - Care Deeply - Speak Kindly

Today, I am at 192 and I'm heading to 154.  hmmmm .. 38 pounds .. that's DOABLE!  
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649848 tn?1534633700
Trying to get rid of the weight I gained while waiting for dr to get off his duff and let me get tested for hypothyroidism, which I do have (Hashimoto's Thyroiditis).  Anyway, I put on about 30 lbs and now I can't get rid of it.

Eating right and exercising is not getting the job done and I've had 3 drs tell me that once the thyroid issue is balanced, the weight will take care of itself, so I'm struggling to at least not gain a ton more while I wait for everything else to level out and if I lose a few pounds in the process, so much the better.  
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725893 tn?1240460630
I want to avoid the family curse of diabetes!
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