649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh in April 28, 2024

Good morning everyone.  How is everyone this wonderful day?   It's bright and sunny here today - I think we're destined to get pretty warm.  

It's been another relatively quiet week for me.  As you know, if you read my weekly posts, I've been dealing with a ureter stent, placed following Lithotripsy to break up a kidney stone.  I had an appointment with my urologist on Wed - sole purpose of the visit was to decide whether the stent could come out, per the x-ray I had done last week.  I arrived in plenty of time for my appointment and after waiting well over an hour past my appointment time, I was called back to a room.  I was left waiting for another 30 minutes or so and in bounces the Physician's Assistant, brightly wanting to know how I'm doing today.  I said: "I've been better."   "Oh", she said: "what seems to be the problem?"  I said:  "I want this stent out."  She looked at me like I had two heads and said: "Stent?"  Of course, by this time, I've definitely figured out that they've forgotten all about my stent and have no plans whatsoever for taking it out, which further upset me!!  After a little more back and forth, I reiterated:  "I want it out NOW".  She jumped up and headed for the door, saying:  "Let me find out if we can even take it out yet."  

I'm left waiting for another 20 minutes and the doctor comes in, joking about how he knows I've just come to love the stent and don't ever want to remove it, but it's time to take it out.  Of course, I'm in no mood for jokes and I simply said:  "Last week would have been perfect, today would be great, tomorrow would be good."  He gave a half-hearted chuckle and said:  "I'm sure you'd like it out tomorrow, but we can't do it then; Monday we can do it."  I said: "Are you sure we can't do it tomorrow?"  He said:  "Monday; I promise, we'll do it Monday".  

Well, they are doing it Monday, but since they already had their schedule all figured out and I'm an "add on", I'm not scheduled until 4:15 pm... I'm guessing I'll be the last procedure of the day.  I do have to go to the surgery center and will be put under with a type of gas.  I can't remember the name of it, but apparently as soon as they stop administering it, it's out of the system.

In the meantime, I did ask about something to relieve the bladder spasms.  The doctor gave me some medication - it only half works, but it's better than nothing.  

Up until Friday, I had my neighbor to help keep me occupied and calm, but we took neighbors to the airport Friday evening for their trip back to Oregon for the summer.   Yesterday, I spent in a calligraphy class, today, we have to run some errands and I'll sit through another calligraphy class.  Maybe the same for tomorrow, prior to my procedure.  We'll see how it all goes.  

So with all that, I've managed to gain 3.6 lbs, but I don't think that's all actually fat.  I've had "tummy troubles" ever since the Lithotripsy and it's taking time to get it all worked out.  I'm hoping that once the stent is removed and I can get back to regular activities, everything will get back to normal and I'll be able to stop the giant weight fluctuations.  

That's my story, such as it is.  How are you doing?  I hope everything is well and I look forward to hearing about it.

~~Wishing everyone a wonderful, successful week~~
1 Responses
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134578 tn?1716963197
Those doctors and the p.a., what jerks. They've let you hang. I'd start making rumblings to them about filing a complaint with the medical board. It just sounds like they totally forgot about you.

I'm up .5 of a pound this week. The frosted animal crackers we had in the house as a nostalgic treat might have something to do with it.

I'm processing Emily's news. Not exactly unexpected but kind of tough all the same.

Kitten is doing well, we just took him to the vet and she gave me the name of a dewormer that a 3-week old kitten can take. I'm pretty sure he has roundworms, with mama being feral and all, and the vet says she has no doubt. But otherwise she says he's really healthy given all he's been through. Too young for shots, no need for other meds. That's good!

Off to think about how to respond to Emily in the CL group.
Helpful - 0
Well, you're right the doctor and PA did forget about me and if I'd not thrown my little tantrum, I'd have walked out of there without a date for the stent removal.  Fortunately, they did fit me in on Monday and the nasty thing is gone so I can move on with my life!!  

Oh, frosted animal crackers... sound pretty good but yep, probably could account for a 1/2 lb gain.  

I'm glad to hear the kitten is doing so well and that the vet was able to give you some wormer for it.   Sounds like it's going to grow up strong and healthy with lots of good care.    

Have a good rest of the week.

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