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I think I have figured out why I have patm

I(M21) have had patm since 2017. Let's get straight to the point.

In 2013, I was diagnosed with trichotillomania and trichophagia. I was apparently cured within a few months, but the condition had relapsed by late 2017. I have had it since then. I have a bad nail-biting habit as well.

Last week I discovered a post on this forum which talked about how patm is caused by a a fungus which normally infects the hair and nail cuticles. Maybe I swallowed the fungal spores when I consumed my own hair and/or nail cuticles? Is it possible for the spores to survive in the gut and omit that sickening odor? Maybe a trichobezoar has formed inside my gut which has bacteria which produces foul smelling gases?

I have decide to try 2% ketoconazole shampoo on my hair and body. I don't know if it works (any suggestions)


P.S. English isn't my first language lol

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I don’t know about the fungus.but hey check this out. I ran across this while doing some research. Exothermic reactions in the body. I don’t quite understand it. Tell me what you think. I notice my bedroom is always hot. Also when I enter a room my body throws off heat.
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Dince 22nd February 2023, I have started drinking 4 Litres of water daily, stopped swallowing my spit/phlegm and started working out for an hour daily. I will let y'all know if the reactions reduce once 2 weeks are over.
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I don’t know how you’re going to not swallow your saliva but good luck. I am going to work out also starting today. But be more consistent and also do a plant based diet.
I went through that phase where I drank a gallon of water a day, in hopes that my patm would go away and the only thing it did was cause me to use the restroom every 15 min and gave me clear skin. I did this for about 2 months and finally decided to stop because I didn’t see any results
I agree plus it depletes your body of necessary nutrients. I ended up in the hospital because my potassium was depleted
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Good luck with everything.
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