MedHelp.org will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh in May 26, 2024

Good morning, everyone... I hope you've woken up to a beautiful day, like I have.  

I've had a very busy week... My husband likes to go on cruises and although I enjoy them, I'm not as thrilled as he is, so he often goes by himself and I stay home and enjoy alone time.  He's been gone for the past week, so I've spent the week playing "Bob the Builder" and "Becky Homecky", finishing up a few of the trim projects in the kitchen that got derailed when I had my kidney stone Lithotripsy and the subsequent stent for a month.  It was nice to have the week to do what I wanted to do, the way I wanted to do it, when I wanted to do it... I still have some cleaning to do, but that's all normal stuff.  I just worried about the deep cleaning - like nasty scrubbing that doesn't get done very often!!  I'm totally satisfied with what I got done.

Health-wise, I'm pretty much back to normal.  My latest thing is that I have a splint on my right hand... The tendon on my middle finger keeps rolling off to the side - subluxation - because the ligaments that hold the tendons in place have been destroyed by arthritis.  I had hoped, since I'm right handed, that I'd be able to keep my right hand working and still do - hence the splint.   The splint holds my finger at an angle that doesn't let it bend far enough to slide off center and supposedly by wearing it for 6-8 weeks, scar tissue will build and do the job of the ligament.  Interesting concept and I hope it works.  

As you know, I do (or at least try to do) calligraphy, and have had a lot of trouble with it, so I'm guessing this is part of the reason.  I'm still trying to practice with the splint, but of course, it's very awkward.  I've just had the splint since Tuesday, so hopefully, as I get used to using my hand with it, I'll get better!!  

Anyway, I needed to be at the  port (2 hr drive) this morning to pick up husband and I had my time all planned out.  As it turned out, he called me at 4:50 and said the ship would be in early, so I needed to leave earlier than planned.  Fortunately, I'd gotten everything ready last night, so all I had to do was wash my face, brush my hair and teeth, get dressed and go.  I'd also gone to bed way early, so I was awake and just having coffee to get ready for the day when husband called.  

Anyway, at that time of the morning, stepping on the scale was the last thing on my mind, so I haven't weighed today, but when I stepped on the scale yesterday, I was exactly the same as last week, so that's what I'll claim for this week.  I'm good with that for right now, though husband did bring me a t-shirt from his cruise that's too tight, so I guess that means I'll have to drop some pounds or alter the t-shirt so it fits!!   It's a really cute t-shirt, but not sure it's worth altering!!  I'll have to give it some thought.

So, how was your week?  I hope it was successful and you were able to accomplish your goal(s).  

Okay - this is the hard part of my post... We all know now that MedHelp is closing as of May 31 and although the site will be read only through June, this will be my last weigh in post.  I've been doing this weekly post for approximately 14 yrs, with a break due to non-participation.  For the past few years, AnnieBrooke and myself have been the main participants (often the only ones), but it's been fun and I'd like to think there might have been some readers out there, even if no one else chose to participate.  

I'll miss updating everyone about my own journey, as well as hearing about other people's ups and downs.  It always amazes me what types of things can cause us to derail from a weight loss program and how easy it is to gain a pound yet hard to lose it... Just as I'd like to think there might be readers that didn't participate, I'd also like to think that reading about how we handle our stresses, medical problems, etc might help someone else.  

~~I wish everyone a very successful weight loss journey and I'm sorry we won't be here to help you along the way~~
2 Responses
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Well Barb and Annie, it's been fun reading your stories. I'm sad this site is closing posts. I do remember being part of this group a long, long time ago. This site helped me get through my pregnancy with my daughter about 14 years ago.
My weight has been going up. I started eating  sugar again. I don't buy it, but it seems wherever I go someone offers it. Parties, church, friends, etc.
I hope your hand and finger heal Barbara. Is there a different site you will post on?
Helpful - 0
Hi Athena
I'm happy to hear that you've enjoyed reading the saga of Annie and Barb... LOL   We're quite sad that the site is closing as well.  I've been on the site since 2008 and Annie's been around longer than that, I think, though not in this forum...  If you got help through your pregnancy, Annie might have been one that helped because she's a Leader in the Women's/Pregnancy forum(s).

I think we all find that if we stay away from the sugar, we do better at losing weight and of course, sugar is everywhere because there are so many different names for it.  We just have to be suspicious of everything we aren't familiar with, I guess.

Thank you for well wishes on my finger... I'm hoping the splint works, as well.  

Right now, I don't have anywhere that I plan to post on.  There is a site called "Smart Patients" that I've been a member of for some years but I just was never able to get into it because it seem very personal.  There's another called "Inspire" that I posted on for a while, as well, but again, I just couldn't get into it.  It's been several years since I've looked at either so I might do that in the next couple of days and if I find it interesting, I'll come back and let you know - otherwise check them out if you're inclined and on Inspire, you can look for someone called h2olady - that would be me!!

Wishing you the best of luck in your journey and maybe we'll run across each other again.
Take care, Athena.  :-)
I will look for you on Inspire. It's been a fun journey with you both. I felt like talking to you both in addition to my TOPS group was Instrumemtal in my weight loss.
134578 tn?1716963197
Barb, it sounds like your health is doing pretty well, after so many bumps, breaks and issues. May it continue on an even keel for a long time.

My weight is half of a pound down, probably because I've begun to be very strict about not eating things that taste sweet. Turns out, I can eat big meals if they aren't sweet, and won't gain. There is no way to keep all hidden sugars out of my diet, and I'm not going to confuse myself trying. But what's become obvious is that I only gain when I'm eating things that have overt sugar (and in fact are sweet to the taste).  The weight begins to leave, if slowly, when I cut those. It's good information to end the long weight-management journey on.  I've enjoyed having someone to talk to about those challenges and realizations.

The thought of MedHelp ending is really sad. I've been posting here for 18 years, and think the site did a lot of good for people with health issues that they couldn't get their doctor to explain. I know it has saved lives. Am so sorry they couldn't find a way to keep it going.

Barb, I'll send you a pm with my contact information, please look it up before the 31st in case our pms aren't accessible after that (even in read-only.) I wish you the best and will think of you in Florida having fun.    

Goodbye to weight-management readers, and thanks. :-)

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Annie - I'm pretty satisfied with the way things are going right now and am ready to turn my attention away from my own issues and go in a different direction.  

I haven't mentioned a lot about my family, but I have 4 siblings - all older than me and all in very poor health.  My oldest sister is 90 and has dementia, my oldest brother is 88, also has dementia, along with multiple other health issues.  He's been in/out of the hospital all year.  One other sister has leukemia/lymphoma and basically lives on immunotherapy.  The third sister has stage IV lung cancer that has metastasized and she's getting ready to start radiation on a lesion in her spine.   Two of the sisters live in SD, the brother in MO and the 3rd sister isn IA.  I'll be leaving mid-June to fly to SD then will be able to see them all, knowing that with their ages and health issues, this may be the last time.    I'm looking forward to the trip, yet I'm not... if that makes sense.  

Annie - I'm sure we won't have access to PM's once the site goes to read only, so I did get your contact information and left mine.  

Thanks, Barb. And though the stories of your siblings aren't going to have a happy ending (as it will be with all of us!), I hope the trip to see them is a good one.

You're right, none of us will have a real happy ending, it's pretty tough to think that by the end of the year, I could be the only one left.  The trip will be what we make it.  We'll make plans for next year, knowing it's very unlikely to happen since we've been afraid all this year that brother wouldn't make until we got there this year.  


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