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1 - 10 of 1105 Posts
I'm on 90mg Erfa and just introduced SR T3. I cannot get consistent temps no matter when and how many I use? For example I used 3 7.5mcg T3 and temp rose to 97.33 it then went down to 96 around noon after I took 2 MORE! This morning I took 4 SR T3 with 9...

Sir, I am male with 29 yr's age from Bangalore, India. According to my age and height (162 cm). my weight is very less last 4 years. (50 kg like constant). I have done some test for weight loss. Hemoglobin 13.8gm W.B.C 6000cumm polymorphs ...

I take 150mg 2x a day and I am going to stop taking it. What is the best weaning schedule?

Hi, Iam 12wks pregnant. I was given augmentin sr tablets to treat a sinus infection. The doc said it's safe but I am scared to take it. Please advise

I just had two afib episodes 2 months apart. I just went through stress test, stress echo, valve ultrasound, 24 hour monitor. All cleared and the next day BINGO I had it again. Doctor put me on rythmol sr and aspirin. How can I pass all these test and have...

I recently started this, 150mg for the 1st week then up to 300mg. So far the only side effect I've had is loss of appetite. Do any of you have experience with this particular side effect? Does it subside in time?

Background: I have engaged a Niacin regimen to cut cholesterol (vs. using statin drugs) because Niacin also raises HDL and cuts LPa and triglycerides (while statins only cut LDL). I have been on this regimen since 2003 and the effect on my cholesterol/tri...

I did my reports yesterday. My Sr. FREE T3 is 3.10 Sr. FREE T4 is 1.20 Sr. TSH is 0.947 Sr. ANTI THYROGLOBULIN ANTIBODY is 198.1 . I showed it to my MD doctor he said I need to show it to specialized doctor. Are there any specialized doctor for this?...

My friend has given me her results and this is what they say:- 1st test: Thyroid Function Test normal results consistent with euthyroidism Serum TSH Level 2.52 mu/l (0.35-5.50) Serum Free T4 level 16pmol/l (10-24) 2nd test: Thyroid Function Test r...

I was very recently prescribed Wellbutrin XL, after trying several medications that have not helped [including Wellbutrin SR]. When I saw my doctor, she simply said 'I'm putting you on Wellbutrin twice daily' and I assumed it would be the SR. But what I ...

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