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11 - 20 of 15380 Posts
Is there a certain kind you should stay away from or a kind thats recommended?

Hi. I am a 23 years old male. Just recently i get to know that avamys nasal spray (fluticasone furoate) can cause glaucoma and cataract. I has underlying allergic rhinitis since childhood and currently has been use avamys nasal spray for 1 year. But my c...

Hello, I am new to this forum, so I hope I am doing this correctly. I am 65 years old and I have been recently diagnosed with a Sinusitis problem. My doctor suggested I use a nasal spray to get relief. Given my aversion to drugs, he also suggested that ...

My father had a brain tumor removed and now has to take a nasal spray called Desmopressin. His endocranologist only wants him to use it one time a day, but the problem is he goes to the bathroom sometimes every 15 minutes!!!! He is also on 1/2 mg of Dexa...

How can I ween myself off of Afrin and still get a good night of sleep?

Why don't doctors like patients to use this product when the patient has used it in the past and not abused it just needed a longer prescription for it, i was on 4 bottles a month and would have 1 day each week without the medication but I never abused the...

My question is this I used to be prescribed a medication called stadol nasal spray and it worked for me but I was prescribed four bottles a month and still had days with migraines I couldn't handle and had to go to the emergency room for them to break with...

Hi everyone! My name is Amy & I have a quick question. Here is the background...about 2 1/2 years ago (right when I moved into my new home) I started having these awful sinus pressure type headaches along with "stuffiness" that was deep in my nasal passa...

I'm taking amoxicillin and my cheeks are very red, like i'm sunburnt, and very hot. It's only on my cheeks no where else on my face or body. I've been givien this same medicine many times and have never had this reaction, The only other thing I can think a...

I am 8 weeks pregnant. I have really bad nasal congestion & I can't breathe through my nose in which I can't stand! Is it safe for me to use a sinex nasal spray to clear up my nose? Or what other methods can I use to help the nasal congestion!?

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