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21 - 30 of 250833 Posts
wait i just saw in a forum that a vicodin a 10mg of hydro is 1000mg of??

is it better 2 take norco then vicodin currently taking vic 7.5 any one?

I'm scheduled for hip arthroscopy next Thursday, and my doctor gave me 5 different scripts, one of which is for Oxycodone 7.5. He did not specify how much Tylenol. Is that normal?

well i have been taking norcos for 5-6 years now and ate 30-40 a day for the last 2yrs i was wondering how many a day would any of u eat on a daily basis??? i only ask cause i am truly intrested to see how bad i am or if this is normal amount for an addict...

I just had my baby on the 3rd and I am currently breastfeeding. The doctor prescribed me vicodin 10/325's and they were supposed to be Norco's. Well I took them assuming they were Norco's and my baby was sleeping a lot more and seemed slightly loopy. Needl...

i am on paxil 30 mg once a day and i have noticed that i can not get off when my husband and i have sex- is this a side affect to paxil - also i have been getting headaches is this a side affect also - also is weight gain a side affect also please let ...

Hi You may have read some of my posts i was recently taking off depakote as i felt it put me in this pit of depression my counsler startd me on cymbalta this afternoon about 1 1/2 hours ago and im feeling so drowsy is this normal i was on it last year so i...

Doctor has me on 15 mg oxycodone for Lymes pain......It makes me so tired but it really works other then that.. What is best way to not be so tired while on this med ?

Feel great after a month of my lexapro being increased to 15 mg,will this feeling last heard sometimes the feeling good can sometimes fade,for the first time in a long time i feel normal want to stay feeling this good

I have not actually been given more than a hazy diagnosis. No offense intended to the professionals, but, every psychiatrist seems to hedge when I ask what my diagnosis is, or why the particular med is being prescribed and what it will do. Here's a brief h...

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