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21 - 30 of 65800 Posts
I've been on Pegasys monotherapy since April 2008. My doc did not want to put me on combo therapy because he said he would follow only approved lines of treatment. So far, the meds have reduced the viral load to below detectable levels. But I'm still HBsA...

When are you planning on buying the big items: We are first timers so we have nothing...... Car Seat (we have to have this one to leave the hospital....)/ Stroller Cribs Change Tables / Dressers PackNPlay Swings Are you going with a bassine...

I'm on my period and I had sex. I also just started the second week of my birth control packet. Its a combo pill. He did ejaculate inside me. Could I get pregnant?

My girlfriend and I are faithful to condoms. She doesn't want to use them but I do. She's been on the pill for about almost 3 years now. She's faithful to the pill. In the heat of the moment Saturday night, the condom came off. She then told me that sh...

I'm 31 weeks +6 & I was wondering if it's too early to start packing my hospital bag

hi. one month ago I´ve done tattoo. tattoo studio situated in city centre, service is quite expensive... but I´m not sure that master used disposable needles. he didn´t open pack with new needle before my eyes. I can´t be sure that needles was sterile. ...

Hello! So this is a lot and I apologize. I’m just super anxious and freaking out. So, I’ve been on the combo birth control pill for 3 months now. This pack that I’m on, I’ve been taking the pills on time, every day. The very first pill of this pack, I took...

I've been having excruciating migraines for a couple months but now I've started having them more and more they are 3 a day. Its affecting my whole life and i dont know if the doctors will do anything other then tell me to take tylenol... dont ...

So many sales at target and Walmart lol I've been buying clothes and small necessities like socks wash clothes sleepers shoes blankets etc. for under $5-$9 and I bought a GREAT stroller and car seat combo for $100 (Graco Spree Classic Connect) and a...

i was dignosed for H Pylori postive and given medciation Hp. Pac for 7 days. After taking the medication for two days, I feel very uncomfortable. especially that my mouth is so dry and taste so bitter. Is this normal? Please help. Thanks

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