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How much Suboxone is equal to Oxycontin? What is the Ratio?

Hi, I am struggling with quitting Oxycontin. I guess you could call it recreational use. I mean, I never had a prescription for it or anything. I should of never starting taking oxy, I know. I wish I could just turn back the years I have wasted using, but at the time I was deeply depressed and it seemed like a good idea at the time. Anyways I am 23, and I figure if I can quit now I would still have time to save myself no matter how deep in it I feel sometimes. I have been trying to quit for a year or so and I just couldn't do it by myself and I can not turn to anyone for help. On top of that this has been my secret battle, and I want to finish it that way if everyone dosen't know already... So one day, this guy who was giving me some OC's- had some Suboxone and I took 2 of them too. When I finally felt I was so close to hitting the bottom of the hole I'm digging with my shovel of OC I finally did my research on Suboxone and took a 1/4 of 8mg Suboxone. It made me go to sleep the first day or so and helped me not crave the opiates. When they ran out 7 days later though (I had 2), I only made it 2 days with nothing before I was back to OC's because I couldn't get anymore suboxone (Can't afford to go to the doctor to quit right!) When I did, according to the research I did before starting to taking suboxone, my tolerance for OC's should have gone down. But instead i need more to feel as normal as I did 9 days ago. SO, here is my question. WHAT is the ratio of suboxone to oxycontin or vice versa? I mean how much Oxycontin is the equivalent of an 8mg suboxone or how much suboxone is euqual to 20 and/or 40 mg's or oxycontin. I've been trying to cut back for a while, I mean really trying to cut back and I can make it through a day without suffering with between 20 and 40 mgs of oxycontin (With a lot of WILL POWER). If someone could help me with this question it would be great because I need to know how much to take and for how long so that I can get of these dreaded opiates and not need ANYTHING TO MAKE IT THROUGH A DAY! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME! I know I can, and I have tried. But now this lone wolf needs help to save himself. Please help me answer this question and I promise you I will quit and you will be my angel for helping me. Thanks, I will gladly answer any questions you need to ask me to help me. Thank you. Yours, ~Me
12 Responses
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5262038 tn?1415312585
Honey please post in a separate post so we can all see it better
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I have been on suboxin since its came new to treatment.I've trued everything an anything at one point.heroin being my choice.I was very susseccfull on sub's for many yes.and was told WD was less to nothing.so I decided to cold turkey.I been lieing in bed for days waiting for WD to subside. Needless to say I have to do something.my bf called my Dr. And she called me.I go into see her to marrow.but had to get something in my system  so i can  get up and out the door. Don't wanna use dope.but been thinking just a little.I know better.never works.so begged my bf to get anything else before dope.he came home with 2 oxycotin pills both 40mg.I was on 2x8mg strips a day tapered it to 1x8 mg PR day.can someone pls compare them before I swallow them I'm a mother of 5 kids don't wanna b high just not sick pls help me
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5935800 tn?1376977066
I love your attitude towards this stupid chemical that seemed to cure all of our problems at a point and then it made life miserable. Its like living in the shadows and it sux...it brings you way down and then to be controlled by it makes us feel vulnerable and then continue to use. It IS A BITTERSWEET DRUG...And i have been struggling with relapsing then getting clean and so forth. BUt when I overcome the withdrawls i feel so empowered that its not controlling me anymore. I am a student and am trying my damndest to conquer the urge to go get high. BUT EVEN IF I AM CLEAN FOR A WEEK I FEEL SO ON TOP OF THE WORLD BECAUSE I KICKED THAT **** IN THE BALLS! It is possible. And man....so much power to you. I love your mindset. OUR MIND HAS MORE POWER THAN WE GIVE IT CREDIT FOR. MEDITATION HAS HELPED ME TREMENDOUSLY.
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Hey guys, thank you for your help. I do want to quit. I know I am a slave. It kills me, I always liked to think I work for myself. It just hasn't been that way for a while... A long while...I just i dunno. Like I said the big 10 day streak is gone. Now I just feel more empty than before. Here it is 2:54 A.M. again, and all I can think is how much these stupid drugs control my life. I know that If I just keep trying I can succeed, I have heard that alot and I believe I can. But thats just me being optimistic, and as all of you know from your own experiences- I am having a real tough go at it. Moments like this one I'm having now make life just seem not worth living. Which makes me sad, because I should of had a great life. I just stupidly deprived myself of it. But anyways in moments like this it helps so much to turn to you guys and just listen to what you all have to say. But I cannot yet go public with this (although alot of my friends now have realized I have a problem, I am just too good at hiding it for them to know just how deep I am). I got myself into this mess. I must be able to get myself out and therefore it needs to be my secret. It would kill the only people who care about me. If, IF I could never save myself and my only option out of this hell is the unthinkable, that might be when I would go public. But right now I just need to try, and try hard to save my life by myself and with any help you all can give me. This could be the last major battle of my life as I see it, and it is a huge one, maybe the biggest. That is why it helps me so much to listen to all of you who care or can relate to my experiences. I feel better now than I did 20 minutes ago just reading what you all had to say and responding. Thank you all so much, and I promise I wont give up. It's not my style.

worried878: Thank you for continuing to care for me. I might have to start calling you Dr. worried878. :) Your words inspire me forward. I can never say thanks enough.

Mangee: Congratulations on your recovery and saving your life friend. Even if you were just using for a month, I know that is no small accomplishment and it encourages me. Thank you for the advice, it carried alot of weight with me and I hope I can follow your example.

caseyb545: I am also glad that you have turned your life around my friend and my heart goes out to your wife, but with you by her side I'm sure everything will be just fine. Thanks for helping me, with your words, it means alot.

To all of you, thank you all so much for taking time out of your lives to help save a 23 year old who was just about to give up on himself. Thanks to you all, tomorrow is another day, and if I can ever get to sleep, I'm anxious to start this war with OC's (and other opiates) again. Thanks again everyone. Yours, ~Me
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Hi, My name is Casey.  I do not have nor have I ever had an opiate addiction.  I googled suboxone because my wife is currently taking it for her opiate addiction.  I had a severe amphetimine addiction that I am now currently 10 years clean, so I feel that I can speak of addiction and relate at least to that degree.  I know that you want to keep your addiction your dirty little secret, but I beg you not to.  My wife hid her opiate addiction from her family for about 10 years, it only took about six months into our marriage for me to figure that something was terribly wrong (mortgage check bounced and savings account completely emptied).  If I had not discovered her problem, there is no doubt that she never would have seeked help.  When she was finally able to admit to me and herself that she had this addiction, I encouraged her to get help.  After a short amount of time, her councilor and her decided that she should tell her family.  They have all been very supportive and knowing there support encourages her to stay the course.  
As for myself, I was one of the largest amphetimine dealers in colorado.  When I got arrested, (which also led to my subriety) it made every paper and local news show.  I had good lawyers and got off pretty easy, with the contigincy that I stayed involved in an outpatient facility for a minimum of one year.  I credit alot of people, and not just myself, with conquering the disease of addiction.  Everyone from the police, judge, councilors and of course, my family. I didn't have the opportunity to keep it my little secret, and despite the embarresment of everyone knowing that I survived for years with a needle in my arm, having support made everything alot easier, and I am proud to say that I am not a junky, but I will always be an addict.  I won't hide it from those close to me, and I hope you do the same.  You may be suprised by the support you will find.  Be safe and stay clean. DON'T GIVE UP.
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Haven't been on this forum for a while. Anyway, I have to agree with worried 878. When you take a drug, you become it's slave. You are no longer in control of your life. As far as oxycontin goes I wasn't on it long, only a month but I was hooked  the first few days. It took every ounce of willpower I had to break away and the withdrawal took about twoo weeks to get over the hump and about two months before I was back in control. For the first two weeks I was completely paranoid, anxious, depressed etc. Then it started to taper off. I began to sleep a little longer, ate a little more and started gaining back the weight I lost while on oxy. I proved to myself and to others on this forum that it can be done. Even if you fall off that horse, get right back on it and keep going. Don't think of yourself as a failure because you blew it a few times. You have made the attempt and eventually, if you keep trying,  you will get over that hump and all the obstacles will gradually become smaller until they are no longer there. This is your body and your mind and a little pill should not be keeping you prisoner.  Take control however long it takes and get back to that life you enjoyed so much before. This old coot thinks you can do it because over the past fifteen or sixteen months I have seen success after success despite the odds. It's there for you if you want it bad enough, so shouldn't you have it as well?
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401095 tn?1351391770
You can do anything that you totally believe u can do,,,this addiction thing is a mental game..the drugs against us...who/what has the power is who will win...and we have control over that...we can take the power by no longer caring about them and in fact/loathe them...have u ever noticed in relationships during dating days how one of the partners usually had the power/especially in unhealthy relationships like the one we have with pills...the one who cares the most loses the power..the one who cares the least holds most of the power/kinda sick...and this power ratio can change in a relationship over time....pills are not people and they dont give one iota about u/nothing in return except heartache..they are an inaminate object and in our own minds, we have granted power to them... just gotta take the power back...easier said than done...but doable
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Hey all, thanks for the support. I really appreciate the help. I really do. So funny, when I think I have no one to turn to- I turn to the uncaring world and *boom*: there is my help. Even if it is only words, its nice to know other people have been through this and made it out to the other side.

SunnyOne802: Thanks for the lecture. I actually need a few of those. I know you cannot help me with my answer because you think it will do me more harm than good, but you have helped all the same. Although I would like to say, the stuff I do to pay for my OC addiction is not stuff I want to continue to do to be off them. And street suboxone is less expensive than going to the Dr, but I just lose out on the educated information. Thanks for you helpful words and advice. I will heed it.

stacyissaved: Thanks also friend, for you words and advice. I am sorry for you uncles... What you have said is what I have been trying to do, but I guess I need to go for a lower dose of sub to avoid the sleep induced "high" and maybe experience a little pain to make it through. No pain no gain. right? :/ Thanks stacy.

worried878: Thank you worried. The WD from sub is another thing I had heard about and was worried about also. After all I don't want to trade one drug for another! And a ratio to boot! Thank you so much worried, that is a good start to finding the ratio i need. And I will remember morphine is more powerful than OC as you have warned.

twolve: Twolve, my friend. Thank you. You obviously know what you want from life and I am hopeful I will claim what I want soon: "Freedom." Sad face, huh. Yea thats me.I like the term "the fog" and I know what you mean. Even when I try to look like I care about the world around me and pretend I'm fine with my "secret problem"- people see right into me and know something is wrong. To me it is almost like "If I'm not doing this- what do I do?" Its like I have forgotten how to be normal. Which leads to anti-social behavior which only makes the problem worse. I have used to the "flu excuse" till I am blue in the face and I even had my free flu shot! I could do pain for two weeks to save myself for life. Some people said I will never feel better.... Scarred for life. I guess they didn't know as much as you. Thanks friend.

Thanks everyone for you help. I broke my 10 day streak today.... I just wasn't strong enough. But after hearing what all of you have had to say: tomorrow is a new day and I know I can win. You all are my angels, thank you all so much. I will beat this, you have my word. Maybe the last piece of me that's good? ~Me
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556246 tn?1260241701
I think the biggest thing you have to realize is that if your looking for a way to quit oxys without experiencing any w/ds or discomfort it is just never going to happen for you and that is sad to think..You need to go into this with the mindset of.."this is going to be horrible for a week or so and from that point on every day of my life will be better than the last". I quit oxys cold turkey 15 days ago and I stand here today at what i would call close to 100 percent. Physically I was pretty good after four days, then you just have to deal with what people call "the fog". you dont even know it but the expression on your face is just kind of sad..there is a decent chance that you could get the flu anyway..its nothing worse than that physically..the mental part is what gets people and if mentally you truly truly want to quit and never do any oxy again..then you can do it without a problem..im 22, im probably just like you..as soon as i felt it grab a hold of me i said screw it im done..i cant handle being controlled by a stupid little pill..2 weeks is a short amount of time when compared to your life..and these last two weeks have been the longest of my life..but im still here..and i feel great..and its worth it..i couldnt stress that enough to you
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401095 tn?1351391770
BTW:...MS Contin/morphine is a bit stronger than oxy according to the chart i read just now....morhine is rated a 10 and oxy is rated an 8.5
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401095 tn?1351391770
being sleepy is often from too high of a dose....morphine 10 mg = 0.3 mg of sub...i am not sure about oxy...be safe...ask ur doctor...the minimal dose for the least amount of time is recommended..ur withdrawasl for m the oxy should be done in a week or 10 days..the worst of it anyway,,,too long on the sub and u will have to withdraw from that,,,google and find out how much oxy = 10 mg morphine and it may help
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553001 tn?1218811768
Hi, I have been on sub for 1 1/2 years and wasnt very successful with it as I used it as a back up drug, when i couldnt get lortabs/ oxy, whatever. Because Sub doesnt give me the high I wanted. While I totally agree with the post above about you needing to get to a Dr. If you cant afford it, then you just cant. And if you dont have Ins, sub treatment is very expensive, at least where I go.  Dr or Pharmacist may be able to answer your question on the amount of sub verses oxy. From my experience, I could do, say 60mg of oxy, then the next day, When I was w/d, i could take 1/2 sub and be OK, not great, but OK. Sub is very strong, but you are suppose to wait until you are in w/d before taking it, and of course, not suppose to mix it.... IF you think you got the will power and self control, try to stay as far away from oxy as possible, and get subs, short term, start out as low as you canget away with w/out being sick and taper. I am also an addict, so i know this is easier said then done. Please dont mix them though. I have lost 2 uncles to overdosing on uppers "oxy, meth & downers" they were only 39 & 45 years old and didnt intend on killing themselves. I hope this helps, but as said in earlier post, seeing a Dr if at all possible, would be best.   Stacy
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