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I think my days of getting along on norco are over

I'm so scared, im a single mom of 2 children a professional in the medical field. Today i attempted to get a prescription filled with a forged rx from my work. As I was waiting the said they needed to verify with the doctor. I got up and left. Since then my job called me...im havent called back yet.

The withdrawal is already setting in and this feeling is exactly why I did what I did.

Is my life over? When will I be arrested. I have no criminal record at all. I'm afraid I'm going to lose custody of my children.
Best Answer
9880688 tn?1414115647
Just wanted to check in with you before heading to bed.  I agree with Rissa....start a new post tomorrow...a new post, a new start, a new day!  Let's start with that and go from there.

Many, many hugs to you!
88 Responses
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8976007 tn?1413330650
omg, i am so sorry.  :(  
what state are you in?  if it is florida, i am afraid you will be facing a felony and prison time.  regardless of the state, it is a felony punishable by a huge fine and prison time.  
hope and pray that IF it is your first offense then they may be easier on you, but if you have done it before and got away with it, they will pull all records of your scripts and find any that were forged.
so sorry.  i would be scared to death.  get a lawyer NOW and find out exactly what punishment you are looking at and if rehab will help you get less time.
for sure, your career that i am sure you worked hard for and loved, is over.  call an attorney before calling your work back
keep me posted and i will try and help you as best i can
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8976007 tn?1413330650
the withdrawal is the LAST thing i would be worried about right now.  i would rather withdrawal off fentanyl again and again than deal with what you are dealing with right now.  hug your kids and figure out how you are going to deal with this. the LAST thing you should want is them effin norcos that destroyed your career, freedom, family, etc
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8976007 tn?1413330650
even if you go to prison that does not mean you will lose custody of your kids.  try to think positive but know what could happen.  like i said you need a lawyer now.
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I am in ca. My employer called and said the police asked him if he wanted to press charges and he declined. He told me if I do it again I will be arrested. So do you think the police would've already came to arrest me? I'm not sure if the pharmacy is able to press charges or if they did?? I'm just so sick and scared I don't know what to do.
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7163794 tn?1457366813
Wow....this is a problem...however, right now you need to take a breath! In my opinion, if your boss declined to press charges and u didnt get the rx filled, i would think your ok. What kind of w/d symptoms are you having and do u have any family or friends ( that u trust ) that can help you with watching your babies while you w/d?? Maybe you should look at this as a blessing in disguise....it gave you a slap in the face wake up call. Normal people dont steal prescriptions, we are addicts and we do whatever it takes to feed our addiction. Are you ready to quit?
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8976007 tn?1413330650
i am so relieved to hear that your boss declined to press charges.  
that should give you a huge sigh of relief.  whewwwwwwwwwwwww
motye is right, this should be a huge wake up call.   it would be all i need to never touch another pill again.  
are you feeling better????
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I'm making it thru. I obviously lost my job of 12 years. My boss still loves me but obviously cannot have me in office anymore. It has been a real awakening believe me. I cannot believe the power of addiction. I'm so not the typical person you'd think to be using anything, so for this to come out is so embarrassing! I have been very ill coming off the meds, but honestly I don't ever want to see another yellow pill!!!! My life is too valuable to me and those that love me. Yes I'm going to experience serious hardship the next few months. And I'm terribly depressed, but I would take living everyday feeling like I'm dying at home, than in prison.
I've been fortunate enough to have family help me with my kids this week. Thank the lord! I'm so thankful to have had this forum to call upon during this most difficult time. Just knowing I'm not alone has helped me from doing something stupid. Yesterday I actually looked up how long it takes to die in your garage with the car running!!!!! This is the power of this addiction...im a beautiful smart mom of gorgeous kids...i cant believe it even crossed my mind. Here's to day 3.5 without my best friend hydro :)
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1235186 tn?1656987798
i had it moved to this forum. you will get more support.
keep up the good work.
you are doing awesome.
don't take anymore pills.
if you have any,
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Thank you...
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7163794 tn?1457366813
Well, you definatly made the right decision for your life! It wont be long before you start feeling a bit better, and then it will get better, day by day! May i recommend epsom salt baths b/c they helped me immensly!
I wanted to mention to you, the picture of the "typical" junkie has been SHATTERED by this forum! We are mothers, fathers, doctors, nurses, lawyers and construction workers! Oops, and small business owners (that would be me). We all managed to get addicted to pills, h, you name it. Doesnt make us less, it actually means we all have alot in commen. I would bet (and i may b wrong) you started taking pills b/c of the energy they gave you to get up every morning, get your kids going, work all day, cook dinner, go to grocery, pay bills, etc.... as this is the most commen reason i hear people say as to why they started these pills??? Sound familiar?
Keep pushing yourself, dont get mad when you dont see miracles, but you will have small positive steps forward, i promise. I am a little over 7 months....and omg, what a difference time makes...i swear to u!
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1235186 tn?1656987798
huni there is no typical addict. addiction does not discriminate, it crosses all socio-economic barriers, creeds, races and nationalities.
the professional, the construction worker, the homeless, doctors, lawyers,
teachers, mothers, fathers, homemakers, actors, etc...... they all have the potential to become an addict.

I am so sorry you lost your job. I hope and pray that no charges will be pressed against you.
start exercising, move around as much as possible it will help with the depression.
please get yourself into some counseling, support groups, church,
to help prevent relapse. you have to work a recovery program.

the recovery road is a marathon not a sprint.
the chains and bondage of addiction are being broken.
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1235186 tn?1656987798
we were typing at the same time,
same thoughts.
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Yes that's definitely the reason I loved them so much. I was given my first by my cousin 3 years ago...since then whenever I needed to get anything done I thought I needed one, and shed of course give them to me. Then later I really did have a back pain issue, and thought yes I can finally get my own script..what a nightmare. Started of taking 2 a day ended taking 12-15. And that was just to feel like me...or what I thought me was. I'm worried about the 21st when my prescription text comes thru and says "come get me" what I'm going to do then??? I know I need to stay strong and I'm certain I will never do anything as stupid as I did...but telling my doctor I don't want them anymore scares me too. Will I gain strength as time goes by? Or is this monkey always going to be on my back? What do you do with addicts with legitimate pain issues? Are there any meds that aren't addicting?
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Hey, Scared.

A few years ago I filled a "fake" Norco script. It wasn't until later I realized how effin dumb that was. I am not the "type" to be an addict either. But I am. And the dumb things I've done...sheesh!

I'm gonna tell you what peeps on here said to me last year when I met some weirdo off craig's list to get pills cuz I was detoxing, and the guy pulled the cash out of my hand and left. That this was a blessing in disguise. Now I know they were right. It brought me to my knees, on top of all the self-disgust and shame I felt anyway.

I know you feel like sh!t right now, but you gotta think about aftercare. That is essential in staying clean and in calming the stress you have about this. For now, you are worrying about things that haven't happened yet. Stay in the now. The next hour. That's it. You do have to call the pharmacy and say no more for the script coming up. Guess what happens if you don't? You will be right back here again. You don't want to keep doing this right?

For now, exhale, and just get thru tonight. Keep posting, kay?
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i would agree with what jifmoc is telling you.  your thinking is truly clouded (as mine has been); the brain centers needed for calm, rational thinking are overwhelmed by the anxiety center of your brain.  Your boss does not want to press charges; do you feel you could get help from either him/her or a therapist?  NA/AA groups have had people try to forge scripts; you feel extra guilty since you knew the system.  But you can get help.....you need to find good people who have been where you are.  Even an eventual career can come back to life, but you need to try not to panic, and see if you can get to NA/AA meetings.  People on this site can help; you need to know you are not the worst person; your DOC has truly affected your thinking, so your actions were harmful.  But sometimes fear can help heal.  
Listen to jifmoc and keep posting.  You are not the 1st and sadly you won't be the last, but if you truly want no more, you need a doctor to help you taper off the meds and go to aftercare meetings for support.
Best wishes to you....
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9880688 tn?1414115647
I'm so sorry that this happened to you.  A few years ago the doctor left the empty scrip pad in the room with me...I looked at it, I thought about it, then I thought about how much of an aversion I have to bars and being locked up so I didn't do it.

If you used a pharmacy that has filled prescriptions for you before it is highly likely that they have notified your doctor already.  You have a huge problem and you should not go back to the pills...because you will not get so lucky the next time.

Please start looking into aftercare okay?  For your sake and for the sake of your children

I started taking the pills for legitimate reasons, surgery among them, the energy was a bonus.  I still have legitimate pain issues.  I had to quit because I was exhibiting signs of being an addict.  I knew it would only get worse.  When was I going to get desperate enough to try to find some on the street, etc.  If I got thrown in jail who would take care of my husband, who is very ill.

I then ran across this website...I got so much support plus reading all the stories others told helped me a great deal.  We all have more in common in here other than just being addicts, we all care a great deal about others and we all want to help everyone the way we were helped.  Please come back as often as you need to AND get into aftercare...some NA meetings would be great :-)

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9880688 tn?1414115647
I meant to say blank scrip pad not empty which implies there were no scrips on the pad...there were...a bunch of them!  I really, really need to wake up before I start talking lol
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8976007 tn?1413330650
do NOT even think about picking up that script.  
you are not out of the clear legally as it was a federal offense, even if the doctor doesn't press charges the feds could.  
the VERY best thing you could do right now is admit yourself to a inpatient treatment center.  this will show that you know you have an issue with them and out of pure desperation you forged a script.
by picking up the script you are not showing that you are trying to get better.
you have hit rock bottom and this should be a huge reality check for you and do everything in your power to stop your addiction in it's tracks.
by going to treatment, not only will you lessen the chance of legal action,  but you may be able to salvage your career
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This is a huge reality check for me. It wasn't at my normal pharmacy. I'm feeling very anxious today as my life has to return to somewhat normalcy...kids coming home. My heart is racing so bad. I really don't have anyone to talk to about my problem. I will look into meetings available, but I have a 1.5 year old ft..so its difficult. In treatment is just not an option :( I will keep hanging on here. I have no plans to pick up that rx!!! I'm so done. Those pills have ruined my life!!!
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Hi well it sounds like you hit your ''rock bottom'' im sorry to here about your job I hit mine wile in a hospital OD/ING I had no b/p and they did not know what to do I finely told them I had a handful of vicaden and they gave me narcan it saved my life then my wife said ''im not going to watch you kill yourself we have been married for 33yrs and never appart she went to stay with her girlfried for a wile this is what started me on N/A I tryed my pastor I tryed shrinks even a substance abuse conslor but it was N/a that changed my life your going to get past this learn from your mistakes and cancel that persciption and remember we do this just for today you never have to pick up again................Gnarly.............................
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8976007 tn?1413330650
how are you feeling today at day 4???
i really think if you were to enter a rehab and then work on sobriety by attending meetings, that it may be a possibility to get your job back.  you worked there for 12 yrs and the doctor seems like he really cares about you.  addiction is NOTHING new to doctors.  many of them struggle with it too.  my dentist was fired for being addicted and writing his own scripts.  
you will have some proving yourself to do, but it is highly likely you will be forgiven.  you have to do the work.
first i would apologize in person to him and tell him you are entering rehab.
honestly i think that is the only way out of this hell you are in.
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271792 tn?1334979657
These people are scaring the hell out of you and me too. They are saying you will definitely be arrested. That is not true. Geezzz...  Hun, if I were you I would contact a lawyer. Pay the 100 bucks or whatever it is for a consultation. The way IF (and it is a big IF) the pharmacy or the police decide to move forward with the case you will have an attorney by your side. IF..anything does happen and this is your first offense they may remand you to a treatment program. You have no other arrests so on first offense they want to try and help you instead of lock you up. In the meantime get through the withdrawal and count yourself lucky. Take this as an opportunity and a lesson. You have hit a bottom. Stick around for support during this time. We are here to help you.
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Thank you everyone for your support...i feel pretty good physically today, mentally not so great!!! I have such anxiety to even leave my house in so scared I'm going to be pulled over and arrested. The police know me as I'm a prominent person in the community, actually that's how my work found out it was me in the first place. The intake officer recognized me! So do you think I would've been called by someone by now? This was Monday? I wish I could check into a rehab but its not an option financially and I don't have anyone to care for my kids. I'm so overwhelmed right now its unbelievable!
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