790969 tn?1301276677

back again

so here we go again. trying to get off my addiction to anything in pill form that will get me high. i want to get clean this time.. like i have said every other time the only thing is this time i have come to the realization that i AM an addict and will always be an addict so i have been pretty hard on the hydrocodone for the past couple of months one reason being is i was an addict trying to get clean but got addicted to them AGAIN when i had my tonsils taken out. they gave me hydrocodone elixir 7.5 mg's for pain.. its really amazing to be how easy it is to get addicted and how almost easy it is to obtain it i mean think about it  chances are your friends have some your family you even might have some from a past surgery. it really is rediculous. anyways back to the topic i want to get clean this time because, i only forsee this problem getting MUCH worse. because my dad is constantly in pain and no he actually isnt addicted to them he is scared of additiction anyways the doctor has is going to send him to a pain clinic and the doctor also said he is going to prescribe him Oxycontin, when my mom told me that, i was like BAM! i have to quit this time or else i will become even worse and get hooked on the oxycontin that my dad will be prescribed. yes my parents know im a addict no they do not know i am back on them as bad as i am because if they knew my dad would send me to jail. Tapering is not a object and neither is Rehab. i need to nip this addiction in the butt so to speak before it REALLY gets out of hand. any advice would be great appreciated. i am off the next 2 days from work then work 2 more days and off 1 more. im not really worried about work because i only work about 4 hrs each day i am there. any support would be greatly appreciated it because i have found that the times i get back on the pills are when i stop going here for suppost
21 Responses
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Dude - the oxy's will still be there even if you successfuly get detoxed from the hydrocodone. At least you say that you realize that you are an addict this time. You are the one that needs to change. If you are at a point that Dad will jail you if he finds out it seems that you may not be a stranger to the dance. You know what needs to be done - again. I doubt that any of us got this right the first time. Everybody that I know relapsed at least once - usually more! I know I did. Maybe you can work some basic meditation into your newest approach. You gotta amp up the self discilpline if you expect to get through it all.
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790969 tn?1301276677
the good news is i went to the doctor today and spilled my guts he gave me a medication to treat both the depression and anxiety so i am feeling better about that and i am planning on getting some type of counselor
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917815 tn?1377498254
What kind of meds did u get for depression/anxiety? Just be careful with the benzos for anxiety; a few days to help u get through the WDs are ok (in my opinion), however, it is very addictive as well.

Counselor, excellent!!! Good luck and like you, i've been down this road before. Good luck;you're young and have a long life ahead of u; quit while u r ahead and you'll be fine!
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790969 tn?1301276677
not sure yet couldnt read his writing im not sure if it is a benzino because its a anti depression med but he said itll help with anxiety and im not because my mother is monitoring my intake of the meds both my parents kno wim a addict
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917815 tn?1377498254
Anti-depressants are long term, and I'm not 100% positive, but I dont believe they get you "high" or are addictive, but do work, not overnight, but eventually...

Benzos (i.e. Ativan, Xanax, Valium) are highlighy addictive.

It's good someone knows about it (i.e. your parents) and you have a support system. I have my wife and trust me, as much as we suffer through this, so do they...

so, when you get "clean" and are back to "normal", you are not the only one that benefits, those around you do as well...

Good luck on your road to recovery...
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401095 tn?1351391770
some AD meds will help anxiety as well as depression....takes 2-4 wks to kick in....many say they had to taper off an AD if taken long term..I have never had a problem with feeling bad when i stopped..it was like i felt better so i would start forgetting them and then just stopped..but everyone is different...as a rule a dr would not rx a benzo if u complained of depression vs anxiety..but always a good idea to check
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917008 tn?1251223979
I have a feeling the doctor here prescribed a sub-therapeutic dose of trazodone or amitrypyline -- both so-called antidepressants, but believe me, the trazodone will knock you on your ***  -- expect a bit of a hangover in the a.m. They both hit you the first night you take them, and after that it's effects are milder. Trazodone's a good one for sleep -- 100-150mg right before you tuck yourself in -- and stays effective for a long time. But that first morning, you'll be pretty dozey -- nothing a few cups of coffee won't fix.

Good luck!
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790969 tn?1301276677
well id be happy if i could just sleep it off   doctor was suppose to call me in somethign a lil less expensive because i do have insurance but NO prescription coverage :(
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917815 tn?1377498254
have you tried over the counter sleep aids? They tend to work....or, Melatonin; natural/herbal sleep aid.
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790969 tn?1301276677
ok well the doctor put me on venlafexine 37.5 mg's  so gonna see how bad my wd's are but today is my first day with no pain pills and i will say work sucked..
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790969 tn?1301276677
is there anything in the world that can stop the damn muscle sparms in my arms and the need to shake or move my hand after like 30 secs
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867096 tn?1252202513
Try taking a super hot shower. It can really help. My legs would do that and I would do alittle walking then take a really hot shower and it helped. I hope it gets better for you.
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917008 tn?1251223979
That's Effexor, which might work, but if you get nothing the first or second night, ask for trazodone. Too bad you can't get a week's worth of Valium or Klonopin -- it really helps with the jumpiness and the insomnia, and a week of them will do you no harm if you stop there and forget about them.

Good luck in any case.
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790969 tn?1301276677
how long should i take the shower/bath for and how long will it last im soooooooooooooooo tired and have work 2mmorow
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790969 tn?1301276677
omg i wanan die right noW nothing is stopping these spaams or w/e there calle haaaaaalp
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790969 tn?1301276677
whata rough first night i finally managed to pass out about 3 in the morning thank god.. just hoping muscle spasms wont keep on
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790969 tn?1301276677
im pretty stoked im on day 5 clean with minor withdrawels been taking my antidepressent as perscribed im just worried that the antidepressents are taking away my withdrawels from opiates and im not really clean :/ tho i am not abusing the depression medicine
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Congrats on day 5!  Keep it up!  You're doing GREAT!
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790969 tn?1301276677
ok soo i had a dream last night my mom had oxycodone on the counter for my dad in a packet that looked like a patch... i stole one and took it in my room but never did take it.. what does that mean?
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In dream psychology (which I studied at University level) means that you secretly want to change genders and take up skydiving.  

Joke!  Joke!  All those (or most) coming off of the drugs have dreams about their DOC.  It's normal.  
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917815 tn?1377498254
The past 2 nights, I've been dreaming about pills too...night 1, ate'em, last night, got a script w/ 3 re-fills...woke up and glad it was just a dream...

Normal to dream about'em...
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