797020 tn?1238143606

I've been off the vikes for over a week...

my wds are well over! But I was waondering if I take just a few tonight to muster the energy to clean my house, will I be in full blown wds again?????
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I'm a mother and a grandmother.When I went through methadone w/ds I had all 3 of my kids still at home.I was raising my stepdaughters 2 little girls full time,they were 2 and 4 at the time.My husband was working 2 jobs plus weekends,so he left at 7am and wasn't home until around 11pm everyday.I had cut off all ties with my so called friends at the time because they weren't really friends they were simply drug buddies.I have always taken pride in a clean home,but during that time I was lucky to get the meals on the table and fill the sippy cups and do just enough laundry so we all had clean clothes.Once I started to feel better it took me 2 months to get my house back to where I was used to it being.
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872889 tn?1239863206
I see how you would feel misunderstood, only because everyone's circumstances are different.  The person that says "who cares if your house is clean?" probably is single with no kids, maybe a wife or a great network of friends....the next guy/gal could be married-kids moved out, no one to worry about but themselves, etc, etc,.  I understand what you mean.  The pride that you feel that you kicked your habit only to go back to real life again, with no energy or desire to propel you forward, only to find the guilt that you aren't doing your job as a mother because these things need to get done but aren't.

Now you say you have 3 kids?  How old are they?  Because believe it or not unless they are newborns, they can absolutely help get things done.  I mean if you can kick a nasty habit like this, you can get your kids to load the dishwasher, empty it, fold some towels, etc.  Both my kids have their share of chores and my youngest will be 5, so consider that an option.  Need energy?  buy a vitamin water energy...I love them and they're not that bad for you either.  Even if it's for an hour of cleaning...if I lived near you I would come over and do it myself....I hate a truly dirty house...but such is life.
I have been reading this site from the sidelines for months....I've gotten to see people's reactions to different posts,  but overall it's a community that we all fit into for one reason...we are addicts.  When you look at it that way, things that seemed harmless can appear ignorant when you weren't trying to be.  I mean if someone said  "  I'm going to give your little boy a shot of whiskey,he says he can't sleep" You wouldn't allow that and probably be appalled at the suggestion of it because you know a shot of whiskey is unnecessary for this situation, just like taking a couple of pills would be to clean the house.  If you were at work you wouldn't say "hey boss, I wanna finish this project so I'm gonna pop some pills, get high and get movin'"  Maybe that is what you used to do...I know, I do( I don't say anything of course, but none-the-less).  See, you have to re-train your mind what sounded like a good idea as an addict is not the same anymore.  Hang in there, get those kids cleaning, make it fun, have a surprise for them, candy or ice cream, maybe they will help more and you won't get so behind.  Best of luck and let us know how it's going.....
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401786 tn?1309152034
I have read this entire thread very carefully.  You claim to be misunderstood here, and state that your only problem with the replies on this thread, is that none of them actually answered your question.

Four people answered your question, before you stated that you were frustrated that no one gave you an answer.  You missed it the first time, so let me help you out here.:

Author                                                  Answer To Your Question

*     theeagle                                          "you may not be in full w/d's..THIS TIME"
*     buprenex                                         " I have been told yes and no but it will
                                                               quickly rises to that state."
*     gizzy32                                           "although it would not start w/d's the mind
                                                             games would begin and the cycle starts over. "
*     creed1                                             "NO!!!!!! "

The answers may not all have been the same, or concrete, but I think the fact of the matter is, that no one can matter-of-factly predict what w/d effects you may or may not face, from taking a pill or two to clean your house.

As Sarah said, we all have houses, and we DO understand.  Let me tell you, my house was SO HEINOUS inside, after I was coming out of a four-year illness (I then detoxed at this point).  Dust would be a huge understatement.  I think if the right people came into my house during the past year, they might have thought about placing my children with relatives until I could get the place cleaned up.  I am not exaggerating here.  It was BAD.  As embarrassing as that is to say, I recognized that I was grateful for finally not being under the horrible cloud of Fentanyl, and that I could start spending more quality time with my family and try to rebuild my life.  During the detox time, just like many others in life, it may be necessary to adjust the expectations you have for yourself and your life, including the cleanliness of your house.  Like Mary said to you, you may need to simply do what you can, and do it in stages, a little bit at a time.  This is how I got my house clean.  You may still have a mess for a long time, but at the same time, you should be able to look at it and say to yourself that it is not as bad today as it was yesterday.  

I congratulate you on your week without pills.  I want to respectfully, and cautiously remind you however, that your head is not clear.  From my personal experience, and I know the same could be said for almost everyone here, this will take a long time....the same as your energy level returning.  Being on pills messed up your brain in so many ways, and it will take a long time to heal, all the while, you'll still most likely suffer some side effects of this for many months to come.....again, you will need to remind yourself that you are farther along in your recovery today, than you were yesterday.  

If you stick around here and remain clean, I predict you will look back on this thread and just shake your head at what you wrote.  I'm not trying to make you feel badly.  I'm just sayin' it like I see it, once again, like Sarah wrote.  Even thinking about the prospect of using to gain energy to clean your house, is addictive thinking.  Yes, you are a week clean, but you are not out of the woods yet.  Relapses happen.  Even with significant clean-time under one's belt, can they happen.  You have made excuses to use in your thread, and have justified using to yourself.  Everyone here is trying to help you the best way they know how, to tell it to you straight.  Lots of people in our lives, who are closer to us than these strangers, don't have the courage or the insight to do so.  Please consider the possibility that they are right.  

Most respectfully,

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Honesty IS a very important part of recovery.Not using is a bigger part.Time to get honest with yourself.You might think Sara was being harsh,but I gotta tell you,you asked for the truth,no beating around the bush,and she gave it to you.
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495284 tn?1333894042
What do you mean we dont understand......We all live in houses, have floors, have bathrooms, kitchens, furniture, kids, pets and jobs.  We understand the chaos.  What we dont understand is why YOU dont understand.  You come on here and ask us if it would be okay to take a couple pills to clean your house and would your wd be as bad.  What did you think we were going to say??  Ya go ahead and high five you??  This addiction is a matter of life and death for us.  I am not going to sit here and sugarcoat this for you even if you do get mad at me.  When i came to this forum these people told me exactly what i needed to hear......the truth.  I wasnt always so happy to hear it but the facts are the facts.  I am not being rude....I am just calling it the way i see it.  You being clean is what is important here........sara
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May I ask if you took the pills? Nobody was trying to be mean, sometimes it just sounds like it. When i first came here i posted that I got drunk but didn't use my DOC and some people on here gave it to me good. I was so upset cause i had just joined and i thought how can they judge me like that, but they were right. I had said drinking was a big trigger for me so why get drunk? Nobody chooses to be an addict, that is the only comment here i disagree with, non addicts DON"T KNOW. We were only being honest too and sometimes honesty sounds mean. Did you take the pills?
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797020 tn?1238143606
Well Nick30, you are very condesending,

"  if you want to be an addict then by all means take the pills and clean your house. perhaps tomorrow you could take some pills and clean your car. etc. "

And for the record I NEVER said that ANYONE was being rude, I said that I was frustrated!

It was just a question and I DID NOT throw anything in ayones face !!!  I was quick to remind everyone that I appriciate thier time, and advice, but that I was desperate for an answer!

Kim715, I wish that it was just a little dust on some furniture.  It is so much more than that. Like I said it is laundry, bathrooms, dishes, floors, etc... You have no idea!!!

Gosh, I feel so misunderstood...

Nevermind guys...
I am so very sorry if I was rude to anyone, I was just being honest! I thought that honesty was a very important part of recovery!

Thanks for your time, I wish you all well in your recovery!!!!!!!
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The members who commented were trying to give you some answers,just not the one your addictive brain was searching for.Lesa and Mary laid it out for you though because they know no matter what any of us say to you the choice is yours to make.If you're going to do it nothing any of us say to you is going to convince you otherwise,not from what you're saying.Like Mary said a dirty house won't kill you but the pills will.It's not the w/ds that you should be so worried about,but those 3 kids who need their mom.What do you think is more important to them,dust on the furniture or a clean mom whos going to be around to watch them grow up?I really hope you chose not to take that dose.
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you are just making excuses for yourself. you are still addicted. if you want to be an addict then by all means take the pills and clean your house. perhaps tomorrow you could take some pills and clean your car. etc.
you are being rude to ppl, not vice versa. eveyone above is concerned for you, nothing more. and you just throw it back in thier faces.
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306867 tn?1299249709
No, you won't have full blown, but probably some minor symptoms. Your not alone in your thinking.  This is a very common train of thought when first getting clean......."maybe I can just take them occasionally to get some things done".  I know I had that thought many times and learned the hard way.  It seemed getting my house clean wasn't enough. I had to take more to pull weeds, clean the garage etc. Sorry if we came off harsh. We just didn't want you to make a very common mistake.  I recommend cleaning your house in shifts.......clean , take a break, clean, take a break.  I think most us addicts expect to much of ourselves too quickly. We've done a lot of damage and it takes time to heal. Just remember a dirty house won't kill you but the pills will.
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NO it will not..
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797020 tn?1238143606
I love and appriciate you all so much...  However I am sometimes so frustrated by the lack of an actual answer from you guys! I mean, think back all of you to the throws of your addiction...  sometimes, didn't you just need answers?????  

I sometimes wish that all of you would just asnswer me, without just saying the same things over and over again!!

I just wanted to know from a physical point of view after one week clean if I took a dose would it send me back into full blown withdrawls? Just a simple question!!!!!

I don't mean to sound ungrateful, I do appriciate all of your advice so much!!

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thank u but i livein detroit mi & its hard ive tried but thanks alot
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Do an online search for rehabs in your area.  Most rehabs are funded by your county through Medicaid.  They also cover halfway houses after rehab.  Help is available.  Good luck!
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NO!!!!!! take it from me u will start all over takeing more & more everytime you think u need them & be strung out again if your off plz stay off i take up tp 30 norcos 10/325 & 30 soma 350 daily & i really need help but have no insurance i wish i could know 4 sure if suboxene works i would start that in a minute take care & plz DO NOT take the meds to clean a house???????NO.......not worth it
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455167 tn?1259257871
hi. you should run, not walk to the nearest aa or na meeting and pray that you've had enough. this thing is not a joke. i've buried too many good people including my own father that thought they could just have a couple. please take this seriously. good luck,  gm
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wow read this again.  Addictions cause us to rationalize any reason to continue to talk the drug. Yes, prescriptions are dangerous drugs.  I have permanent physical and very painful damage from a prescription drug addiction.  
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I am a prescription drug addict and almost died a few times from overdoses.  I now have 8 months clean due to rehab, a halfway house, recovery house and 5 AA meetings a week.  I can never ever!! take or have prescription addictive drugs in my home nor take them again.  I see you have been off them for a week and want to take them again.  You are still addicted and it will get worse.  That is the nature of the beast.  Please call a rehab in your area before its too late.  These addictions get worse and only lead to death.  Sorry to be so blunt but it must be said.  Please get help
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Thank you Corey :) cris385 I'm very sorry if I came off harsh.. It is just addiction is such a serious problem.. and it has caused people to loose their children and their lives.. Addiction is a life long disease.. we can not use it for energy nor even pain as is my case.. I'm so sorry you are inundated with all the house work on top of working... I can understand how stressful it can be.. but Narcotics are not the answer.. I truly wish you and your family well..
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I am sorry your taking on so much, I could not do it. It's just after going through w/d's you don't want to set yourself up for all that again. I don't think nobody meant to be rude, most of us tried to use here and there, I did for 5 years, but every single time it brought me back to where I was. The lack of energy causes so many relapses, but if you can make it far enough to heal, you will have more energy than you know. Keep posting, we don't mean to sound like jerks sometimes, lol.
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452063 tn?1324074916
You have to know the answer to this question. If you are serious about getting and staying clean you need to not even have the pills in the house. You may have to live in pain awhile longer before you are ready to be serious about being clean. I don't mean that to sound mean. Many of us weren't ready until we suffered for years and lost everything......Deep breaths Lesa.
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797020 tn?1238143606
When you have 3 kids and a full time job , you need all the help you can get!!!!! It was just a question... Relax guys...

Thanks for all the feedback ...  Isn't it only obvious that if I am asking on the forum, that I already know the answer.  We are all here to help eachother, lets try to be a little understanding and patient...  
You guys have got to understand that I am struggling 100 percent with the housework...  I get NO help at home.  5 people and I am the only one that can lift a finger in ths effein place! That pressure, plus work, and 3 kids... UGH!!!!!!!


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You asked this question back in March and another one asking if you relapsed for a few days wondering if you would have w/d's again. Just like eagle said, pain meds are not used for cleaning the house so please don't take any, although it would not start w/d's the mind games would begin and the cycle starts over. Congrats on that clean time, keep going and change those thoughts. Good luck and stay strong
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I just went over that question with my Doctor. I have been told yes and no but it will quickly rises to that state. He said yes, the Brian will react badly to doing it. Do not do it, it will not be good. Everyone seems to agree with zero is the best intake amount for us all.
Thanks, hang in there, we are all.
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