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freakin out here. red flagged

As I've read thru some posts on the topic. I couldn't help feel there wasn't a lotta cold honesty. If you want help. Be honest. Here I go.

First my question. How long before I'm hauled away? Yes I'm that scared.

Been fighting this roller coaster longer than I can remember. As I've shared. I went CT last weekend. Broke down Tues. Got a new script from my pain management Dr. This one consisted of half the normal fill plus methadone.  Used a few norcos to keep wd's away. Its been great. I'm functioning and breaking this nasty demon. Haven't touched methadone. First pharmacy didn't have norco. Next pharmacy won't fill cuz I've been listed or flagged on some system here in Cali. Panic. I don't have ins. So went to ma and pop pharmacy that knows me and my Dr well. Use to be cheapest. Always went. Then found a CVS that was half the price. Another CVS was double. Anyhow. Get it filled but in panic mode now. Why? Well. Like most.  Middle class employed mom in pain. Here's the deal. Dr shopping. Yes I have a past this last year. When that pharmacist read off all drs that wrote me a script this year I was shocked. 2 pages she had. First. Half the names were PA's in my spinal care center. High turn around. That I'm not worried about. What scares me are the others. Er visits. We've all been there. A few dentists. That was legit I needed antibiotics but wasn't gonna turn down the pain meds. Most terrifying. My former employer. Yup I work in the medical field. Small office. Paper charts. My Co worker called in a script. A few others signed the refill faxes for me. This stopped almost a year ago. Fear is. I left that job on bad terms. Unrelated. But the Dr blames me for almost loosing her practice. After I left due to verbal and emotional abuse. The other 2 employees left. She went to er for chest pain. Lost pts. Cuz she didn't know how to run her office.  Now flash forward 10would months. I'm flagged in some Cali drug system. If they contact my former employer. As a prescribing Dr. She will know. I never personally picked up any of the scripts. Nor sign them. Maybe 1.

What's the process after being in this system? Just ***** cuz I'm finally getting the old me back. Wrestled all morning with my bf. Went out to lunch. Ran errands. Normally a weekend was me laying on the couch for 2you days while my bf did everything. Then dreading work come Monday. These lil yellow pills that once gave energy. Now sucked all life from me. Here I am finally feeling normal and my life may be taken away.
53 Responses
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If you find yourself in a bad cycle-sick, using illegally, and can't hold it together, go to professionals. Be it a meth clinic (good one) for detox or maintenance, it's legit, and you can get away from people who use and that lifestyle. Since I got in a steady program, don't abuse my benzodiazepines, take antidepressants, I've graduated a two year program at a tech school, have had no problems with the law, I'm a good single dad, and now I'm going for a bachelor's degree. No pot. It's been about 4yrs. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!
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But how long does your name stay on the flag list?  Thank you.  Ive been doing the ER hopping thing, and I've just found out yesterday, I've been flagged.  Hopefully, I don't get hurt and actually need a prescription in the next_____?    :(
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Its a system called c.u.r.e.s and you do  not need to use your insurance to be flagged a doctor and pharmacy can tell what pharmacys you have been to and what narcotic scripts you got those pharmacys swell as what Dr prescribed  your narcotics. My Dr looks me up on c.u.r.e.s before she writes my scripts to make sure I am following my pain cocontract. The mom and pop shop prob does not enter you script in c.u.r.e.s right  away they have certain time frame to enter the scrip. Big pharmacys enter the script right away that why they seen you where flaged. They my also report you to the d.e.a office. Hopefully they don't. Most pharmacy will just refuse to server you rather that report you.

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5347058 tn?1381188426
Hi there. I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this. First off, this is a really old thread. If you go to the top of the page and hit the 'post a question link' you can start your own thread and tell your story. More people will be likely to see it and comment. To answer your question what will happen, it's hard to say. I would get an attorney or public defender immediately. Ever state is different in how they handle these kind of cases. Hopefully, you can get off with a fine, probation, and some sort of drug treatment, class, etc. I would recommend that you keep your nose clean and start attending some NA meetings. Have them sign a piece of paper and document that you were there. Be proactive in this. It will look good in court, and you may benefit from it. Do you consider yourself an addict? This was definitely some serious addict behavior forging a script.
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4341997 tn?1514588688
Sammysboy...this is an old thread...you need to go to top of the page and hit "post a question" and start a new thread....that way more people can see your question and can help...good luck with it all!  Hope you get the answers you need.  
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hi all year my teeth have been killing me and I barely make minimum wage and cant afford dental insurance. I have easily about $8000 worth of work that needs to be fixed on my teeth. So feeling this pain im going through I went to an urgent care late last night and they prescribed me ibu and amoxicillin for this.. My dumb choice of the year was write onto the prescription and put hydrocodone and as im waiting for my prescription the police came up and took my name and said they knew what I had did and I said im sorry im just in that much of pain,and needed something a bit stronger then ibu... so they said they'll send something to the DA's office and they'll be sending me a summons to go to court....The officer said its a felony and I almost threw up scared as hell. Im in Las Vegas. Does anyone know what could happen to me?
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1827057 tn?1397520277
Hi K   This is an old thread.Go to the top of page and click post a question.
You can then create your own thread and there will be lots of people here to support and answer questions.pm me if you have trouble  :)
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I know your feeling all too well I have been addicted to Norco 10's for going on 16 years since I was 17 now I am 33 I have done everything under the sun to get these pills, whether it be altering prescriptions, using different names to obtain the pills with a Dr. I have never seen before nor does the person whose name I have used.. I know it is wrong but yet I still did it!! I also Dr. Shopped as well and I have been red flagged. I, myself have been good I have not had any norco in almost 3 months under MY NAME. But under someone else's name I have had norco. I have since stopped this and I am still struggling. But the feeling of being hauled away is always there. I am a true addict and I know what I need to do to stop but I am scared to DEATH of being sober cause those little yellow pills DO make you feel untouchable and they DO ALSO suck the life and energy out of you as well I just hope that I can get the old me back. I hope this helps you McSally and everyone else. I also need advice too I have noone to confide in at all I am struggling with this all by myself...
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I just got flagged I have ms and live in Texas getting norco from 2 different docs! I'm in a lot of pain! Am I gonn go to jail? In so freaked out!
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i have been taking norco for about 2 years now. At the beginning i would take them to relax. it started with around two a day. i have never told anyone this but i never had a prescription. i used to get them from my mother. When she wouldnt give them to me or i wanted more, I would steal them from her. She would start to notice so I would get them from my step father as I found out he was taking them also. I have never really taken drugs but these really caught me off guard. I climbed to roughly 10 or 15 in a day or two. It would give me energy and keep my mind off of the stressful things unaware it actually took my mind off of everything. I took a stand about five months ago and took a "vacation" to a hotel with my ex husband who called one day and i was honest with him and he helped me detox. i had a horrible time sleeping, no energy, I puked sweated, my body jerked all night long with full kicks by the restless legs. diarhea but i did it and was so proud of myself. needless to say it didnt last long, a week or so, but I started again! i have lost everything. i have 3 kids that see mommy isnt the same mommy, i have mood swings and I just need 2 or three to function for the day, im only taking that much now because i cant get any more, I would quit if I had the time but with 3 kids its hard. I cry about it daily, i want to qit, its a big secret between me and my mother, step father and aunt because i found out she also takes them. im pissed I ever did it in the first place. I know what im going to go through again when I detox but im actually scared to go through the WD again. If I told you what ive been through with these stupid pills you wouldnt believe me. This is the first time ive read posts and different stories about what others have been though, i will start tomorrow, i have no choice. I need to get back to me. my kids need me more than ever. please pray i can do this. exercise gatorade.. im ready!.. or is it going to be just another day to figure out where my next two pills are going to come from. i am so afraid of going through WD again...
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Our addiction takes us to dark places! I live in a small-ish canadian town and about 5 years ago had 2 docs in the go. ( never admitted this to anyone). 1 was giving T4's and the other percs, I did this for about 6m! Then of course I stuck with perc doc! The panic during that time was so intense!!! I know State laws are harsher that Canada but you're on the right road now and that has to count for something if this ends up in the courts hand. I'm sure even there they want to help people, not throw them away! I'm with everybody else... Seek legal advice!!! Then u know and can deal from there! I'm sorry you have this to deal with too, just take it 1 baby step at a time!!! You should be proud of yourself for wanting sobriety and taking the steps to get there!
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Thank you I do feel better for her :) but that does not take away the refills that were not authorized by her Dr. and being red flagged and trying to get opiates filled may have been the driving nail. I feel for Ms Sally and would like nothing more then for her to get the help she needs and deserves to live the life she so wants. The steps I have outlined are a beginning to her taking some control back of the situation.. Thank you Theaddict I appreciate it..
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1979360 tn?1328143865
she said something about her auto correct on her phone made it 31 instead of 3 dentists, if that helps. but i completely agree with what you've said above. <333
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Hi Ms Sally I have also read your thread. what you are doing is not tapering you are white knuckling it till your next pill.. I do not know if you realize the seriousness of what could happen.. having 31 dentist in one year is a Hugh red flag and one if they choose to peruse could be very damaging.. this is only a suggestion so please do not take it that I'm not being supportive.. I say flush the rest of your pills. If you can check into a rehab if you can not afford rehab then start hitting AA our NA meetings have them document the time and day 90 meetings in 90 days would be ideal.. If you go to court this documented would only be in your favor.. also lawyer up at least have one on retainer and be honest with him/her.. also put some money away for bail just in case.. I could say you may not get caught and you may just get away with it all but I would be doing you no favors.. even the little bit you are taking causes us not to think clearly.. This is your life and pretending it is not happening is not going to help. I really do wish you the very best and that none of this is needed but the reality is you are a addict and you need to deal with it more aggressively before your past catches up and you are still on pills.. lesa
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1979360 tn?1328143865
good for you, and keep the faith!
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Thank you theaddict. I know tapering is more difficult in some sense. Like I haven't tried it before. But never this determined and strong. So far so good. My mind is in a different place. I've admitted to it to others and being accountable to my actions. What I love most here is the balance between encouragement and cold truth. That's important. And your recent story. Well that fear sits in the back of my head. But right now can't eat at me :)
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1979360 tn?1328143865
not a problem, always here to [try and] help!

i just really know what it's like to have all the same thoughts running and racing through my brain like the above poster does as well, and get answers that don't really tell me the facts, but instead tell me to calm down.

HOWEVER, staying calm did help for me!
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Thank you for that information. I had no idea!
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495284 tn?1333894042
I have read thru this whole thread and here is my take on a couple things.  You being red flagged at the pharmacy is the least of your worries right now.  Your addiction to these pills is what concerns me.  You are feeling good right now cuz you are still taking pills but there will come a time when you will have to stop.  Once we stop the pills is when this addiction kicks in.  Getting clean is the easy part, staying clean is the hard one.  Have you given any thought to recovery care?  This is a life changing process.  Using is just a symptom of this.  I know you are scared right now, take some deep breaths, there is nothing that we cant get thru being clean and honest.      sara
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1979360 tn?1328143865
the reason she was flagged, even though she didn't go through insurance or anything of that nature, is because her name is still in the system. cash paying patients or insurance having patients are all in the new PMP country wide.
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1979360 tn?1328143865
is tapering is working for you, then keep doing it. some of us aren't able to do the tapering process because of will power or CT just ended up working for us. a lot of us have tried the tapering method but failed. i ended up going CT because i tried to do the tapering and i just ended up going right back to abusing the pills. there are a lot of strong members here on the forums, and i have no doubt that you're one of them. i've read through some of your posts from the past, and your spirits seem to be on the up and up - so that's always a good sign.

i do want to let you know that my posts weren't meant to scare or alert you. but i know what it's like to read through posts [mostly in the past year or so] and think to myself:  "this person isn't fooling anyone but themselves".. and not only that, but there have been posts in the past where i have seen members ask questions, and people will answer them in a manner that will only be used to calm said member down, instead of having their minds go a mile or more a minute. you never know, it could be completely different in your state. but i do know that the DEA form you're referring to is called the PMP [prescription monitoring program] and like i said, it's in effect in well over 40 states now.

i didn't share this the other day, but maybe now would be the best time to do so. like i have said before, i have 400 something days under my belt now. i was walking around our condo on tuesday and tripped over our dog and caught my fall, but my ankle started to swell up and i could barely move it. instead of going to the ER, and because we're military - my husband took me up to an urgent care JUST to make sure it wasn't broken. since i flushed my pills over a year ago, i haven't taken the first pill... not even a tylenol or ibuprofen. when i went there, they did an x-ray and told me my ankle had a hairline fracture, which is much more painful than a break, or so they said. i didn't believe it - but my ankle did and still does hurt horribly. she told me she was going to write me a script for a muscle relaxant, pain medicine and anti-inflammatory, but i told her i was fine without any of that and would be on our way... i just wanted to know if it was a serious injury or not. they wrapped it up and put a "boot" on me as well, and told me to give them a few minutes, and they would be back with my discharge papers. about ten minutes later, we started to talk amongst ourselves and ask what was taking so long. that is when the doctor walked in with another member of their team and said they needed to speak with me.

they had papers in their hands, which i thought were my discharge papers. i was wrong. it was the PMP that they had pulled up on their system, and she started to tell me that she wasn't going to be writing me for anything because i was pill seeking. when those words came out of her mouth, i literally shouted out "how dare you" to her and my husband got all upset as well. my husband and i sat there and reminded her that when she had offered me medicine to take home with me, i refused and told her i would be just fine. she then went on to sit there with this other team member [she said she had to bring in another team member because it was protocol] and read out loud all of the pharmacies and doctors i had gone to seen over the past 24 months, or two years. i was beyond livid, and my husband helped me up out of the chair and we walked out.

with that being said, unfortunately, this is going to follow me around for some time now. the last prescription i received from a doctor [i never went to the streets and got the pills, it was ALWAYS through a doctor or ER visit] was over a year and a half ago. yet, it still haunts me.

so... maybe it will haunt you and all of us for some time. but when you ask about facing jail time, i am pretty sure that the worse that's going to happen to you is getting slapped on the wrist and/or maybe getting told that you need to seek treatment outside of your home on an internet forum. i can only go on what i have seen happen in the field that i have spent almost a decade in, the pharma field.
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I had a similar problem. I was using over five doctors in 09. A doctor send me to a pain management clinic. And rhe doctor pulled my pharmacy log. Had conned a doctor to write me multiple scripts of 60s a week. Plus I made rounds to other doctors.

Well I got flagged. all my doctors were notified. I was humilated. Thpught I was going to jail. I know the peranoid feeling. I rhink its intensified from the opiatelol. I was accused of selling all my pills. I had thoights of the police knocking on my door demamding to see my pills. I ate them. Didnt sell them. I was never busted by thw law thank god

I was cut off from five doctors. Yet one still wrote me scripts. Can you say money? Lol

I assume I still am flagged. Because when I get a script they call the doctor and verify. The doctors can also pull rhe pharm. Chart Nd check.

When I went thru knee replaxement the doc still gave me drugs. I stayed in compliance. I had no problems durring that one time. I used one drug store. Period.

Its my opinion rhe pharms and doctors arw too busy. Unless you forged I dont think you have Nurhing to worry Bout. Learn from your mistakes.....hope this helped if ya have mor questions ask....bama
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I am curious about something, How do you get red flagged if your not filing insurance reimbursement for those rx"s and you were going to different pharmacies? In any case, hope for the best prepare for the "not so best", either way this was a good wake up call right? You will feel loads better after a good night sleep. Day by day.....
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Sorry this phone has a mind of its ownit is supposed to read" now that you are working on the new you" ......sorry
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