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interesting stat

I was at a drug and alchohol conference the other day and the county coroner did a presentation and said most drug related deaths are due to prescription drug overdoses and not meth.  In my area and most of the US I imagine meth is a huge problem and u hear alot about it but more ppl actually die from script addictions.  In my family my older brother and nephew both died from pill overdoeses mixed w/ alchohol.  Tramdol, soma, hydrocodone.  I just thought this was interesting I am still trying to taper I limit myself to 6 pills per day max and am planning and lowering it.  My H and I recently signed up for counseling, we are expecting a baby in January and I am planning on bringing up my addiction in a session and ask him to keep my pills and help me taper so the baby is not born addicted.  I pray the baby is ok so far.  all my prenatals are right on track the baby is measuring fine and the heart beat is 171 per minute so....  
20 Responses
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562833 tn?1233756109
I will pray for you. I hope you can get off of those soon, with being pregnant and all. I am so thankful, I wasn't addicted before getting pregnant. I can't imagine what you are going through. May God be with you and I will be praying for you. Best of luck!
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Just because the heart beat is normal doesn't mean the babies development is.....just think about every time you pop a pill.......your baby is in you belly trying to grow and develop, but is confused because he/she is HIGH.

Please get medical guidance if you are going to continue this......

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199177 tn?1490498534
Is your OBGYN aware you are still using are you still taking the tramadol?
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I am well aware of the risk and if I could stop c/t I WOULD, tapering is my best option and I am working on it but it is comments likes this that discourage me from posting here. If you read through the other posts you will see there are other women in this same situation and I don't think reminding them how messed up it is or they are for doing it encourages or makes them feel any better about it, much less gives them ANY hope.  This community is for ppl who are struggling to stop and I don't think it is any easier for me than anybody else and where exactly in my post did u read or infer that I was planning to "continue this"?
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I apologize if I offended you and the last thing I want you to do is stop posting. It's a very touchy subject for me, and I do tend speak my mind as I feel.  I am not walking in your shoes and the last thing I want to do is judge you.  I care and I am scared for you and your child.  Thats all.  I am not the most gifted with words.......

I just hope if you can't taper....you wont wait till the last mester to tell your doctor.  Tapering is not easy......but doable.  I wish you the best, and PLEASE keep POSTING.

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371980 tn?1276740809
well nauty that was nice of you to apologize! you were a little harsh!
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496208 tn?1271339076
Sometimes we don't want to hear what we need to hear.  Addiction is tough and getting clean and staying clean is tougher.  Everyone here has either been there or is there at this moment--fighting to be better.  I seriously don't think Naughty was trying to hurt you or discourage you--She was just being honest about her concern for you and your baby's welfare.  Until we get honest with ourselves and those around us this addiction will continue to thrive.  Please continue reading and posting.  Take what helps you and leave the rest.  Also consider this:  someone once told me to "value my verbal shocks."  When I'm affected negatively by something someone says to me or about me, it's usually something I need to take a good look at--there's usually some flaw of mine that needs attention.  

I wish the best for you and your baby.  
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199177 tn?1490498534
I agree with rue I dont think she was trying to be harsh at all however she wanted to get across the point that not all problems can be seen by heart beat and such . What is your taper plan ? How many are you using ? What does your OBGYN have to say .Are you looking into aa or some type of therapist to help with the addiction recovery.
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I'm in the same boat. Expecting in 3 weeks.

I dont know anything about Tramadol, but I can speak about hydro. IF you were using hydro, the chances are very high that your baby would be healthy, and all the worrying you are doing is moot- as long as your OB knows you are using, you will be fine.  I REALLY REALLY HOPE YOUR OB KNOWS that you are using Tramadol. It is a newer drug, mugh much newer than vicodon, so information could be lacking in terms of pregnancy safety and such.  If you tell you doc, rest assured, they wont take your baby away, or make you quit CT off the meds (trust me on this).  Almost every hospital has a high risk dept, or addiction specialist OB that handles addicted mothers. They see this everyday.  


There have been studies done on the effects of hydro on a fetus. Studies show children born to hydro popping mothers have cognitive delays and lower IQ than normal children/babies.  This is NOT tramadol though, the study was for hydrocodone.

I agree with the above poster- the heartbeat is not a good indication whether baby is healthy- it's an indication that baby is ALIVE, which is the first step, but you need to get regular ultrasounds- even a 4D ultrasound if you can afford it - to ensure the physical stuff is fine.  Sometimes, just like another poster said, we do not want to hear things that are true and accurate. It ***** being pregnant and being responsible for another life- and being an addict at the same time. I'm glad you're in counseling though. Please, please tell your doctor. That is the #1 thing that you can do for you and your baby right now. It takes courage, but better the doctor know now, than test your baby after he/she's born and find out then.
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199177 tn?1490498534
Great post ..I just wanted to clarify a few things hydroconde Is very unluckily to cause problems as long as its taken as directed .

The baby however if still taking it upon delivery does run a risk of the child having withdrawl :)
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"VALUE MY VERBAL SHOCKS"......Omg, I love that !!!!!!!!!!  I don't know where you got that one--or made it up on your own, but I will call it a Rue-ism here, and claim it as a Nauty-ism to my world.....sorry I'm stealing.  I got a big "F" in the "gifted with words, dept."   Very nice post........

SeekSolice.....Omg!  I was almost in tears with you post....I can only wish to be as blessed of a speaker.  Now that ....both you and Rue is what I wanted to say.  I am a verbal bull in a china shop.......God I hate it !   Nice Posts......Oh, and Avisg.....I love you, girly.....:-)))

Ahhh, Nauty...........

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I was recently prescribed lortab instead of the tramadol during the pg (I have severe migraines and the pg has made them worse).  I was taking up to 15 tram a day pre preg and now I am at 3-4 a day and I think I can drop from that too.  I was hoping my H would help by holding my pills but he doesn't think it's an addiction that it is all in my mind and the w/d are just me wanting it and coming up w/ a excuse.  We are starting counseling and I want to bring it up there.  I haven't told my dr I was hoping to taper myself off and probably could w/ H support. I am 3 months pg andf just feel very depressed about it.  The high isn't even that good any more.  I am very emotional and tend to cry alot lately.  I know I could stop but I'm afraid how I will feel if I do.  I never thoguht I'd be able to make it thru a day w/ just 3-4 pills a day and I have for the last few days. if I feel I need more I take the lortab.I've also takin up walking twice a day w/ a friend.I worry the damage has been done already and maybe I shouldn't have let the pg continue this far but that just breaks my heart....
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I sent you a PM... I understand how you feel right now. I do think it would be wise to tell your doctor though...there could be special tests they could do this early to make sure baby is ok! I am sorry your H isn't very supportive...
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The damage is NOT already done.

It's concerning that now you are taking the Lortab in addition to the Tramadol.  But, I'm glad you were prescribed the Lortab, because- check this out:

You can quit COLD TURKEY with the Tramadol and will NOT have withdrawals, as long as you continue the Lortab. In my opinion, the hydro is safer than the Ultram, just because of the longevity of the drug and the fact that I have an intimate relationship with it and am familiar with using this drug during pregnancy. Studies are more concise, accurate, and doctors are much more informed of the effects of hydrocodone versus the effects of Ultram.

This is not politically correct what I'm suggesting, but it will eliminate your need for Tramadol entirely. So, what you should do if you don't want your doctor involved, is every time you want to take an Ultram, take a Lortab. Do this for 2 weeks and you will be successfully "cross addicted".  Essentially trading one addiction for another- My reasoning? Hydro is safer. It is sure to cause controversy, and for that I apologize.  I am wincing while writing this because I know it is not the "right" thing for you to do-- But it WILL get you off the Tramadol.

Then, once you are on the Lortab, go back to your doctor and let them know that you are dependent. My reasoning behind this is, they prescribed it, and they will take responsibility for getting you off of it. I am assuming your Ultram was not prescribed, no?


I have given some pretty weird advice. The suggestions I have given are based solely on the fact that using Ultram while pregnancy has effects that just are not very clear, where as hydrocodone has some predictable effects.

You cannot do this on your own. You absolutely 1000% need to seek the advice and guidance of your OB. Now. What is happening is your body is going to become dependent on both drugs- when the worst case scenario should be having to deal with ONE addiction- my god, that's hard enough! The drugs you are on are both very addicting.

Be aware that the damage is not already done. Also be aware that if you do not come clean with your doctor, chances are they will find out on their own- actually, I am certain they will find out on their own. They usually do. They are trained to recognize this sort of stuff.

2 more things-
#1-Your H needs to help you taper. You need to dig up any and all info supporting the fact that Ultram is physically addictive. You cannot get better without his support.

#2- Did you doctor know you were pregnant when he prescribed you Lortab? I find that hard to believe.
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The tramadol was prescribed to me before I got pg and the lortab was prescribed to me by my OB to replace the tramadol so she knew I was pg when she prescribed it but she doesn't know I was dependant on the tramadol before so she only prescribed 10 pills which won't get me far since I am currently at 4 per day.  I have been substituting th alortab for the tram and staying uder 3-4 trama a day.  My next appt is august and I will probably talk to her about this I am pretty sure I could quit the tram and switch to lortab, I used to take it before the tram but the tram came w/ refills so I switched.  Thanx for your support I really appreciate it:)
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I am throwing in my 2 cents here! LOL ... I understand you suggestions to her to a degreee...I do think she needs to tell her dr ASAP...

My dr rx'd me lortab while pregant. (i was not abusing it at that time in my life) He didn't give me large doses but it was for severe back pain. ( i have bulging discs from cervical to lumbar spine) The pregnancy was wearing on it horribly and I couldn't sleep or get comfy etc. Anyway, the way he explained it was it was better to give me that then for me to take tylenol every 4-6 hours and wear on my liver and baby and not get relief or sleep when I could take 1 or 2 of these per day (only when needed not needed daily) and get relief and only be getting 500/1000mg of tylenol. I have also had friends that were pregnant that were rx'd much stronger stuff to eliminate the tylenol amounts. So it does happen for dr's to RX lortab to pregnant people.

Ok ... there was my 2 cents!

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536882 tn?1225512859
I think one important thing for you to remember is that you recognize you have a problem, and you have made steps already to help decrease t.  Coming here and talking about it also helps so good job so far!!  I think by telling yor OB everything thats going on will give them an idea of things they need to watch for and tests to do on the baby that they wouldn't normally do.  You are not the only one who has an addiction and is pregnant so don't feel you're alone.  I know it's scarey to have to come clean w/your doctor but just do it and get it over with.  You'll feel better afterward and have a sense of relief.  Don't worry about being judged for your actions, right now you need to focus on your health, your baby's health, and getting clean.  You can do this, but you're going to need a little help is all.
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Sometimes there are comments like these that make people want to go to a closet and just take pills all day because people may say some of the harshes things when you are most sensitive.  I understand there was an apology granted but sometimes words are not that easy to take back.  I am in the same boat as we speak, battlling a pill addiction, trying to taper and I come here to hear kind gentle words because the fact that I am pregnant with and addiction means I dont have enough energy for the "tough love".  No one on this site or in the world for that matter loves our unborn children more thatn we do.  If it were that easy to just quit, just like that, we would becuase of the love we have for these little lives kickin in side of us.  So please the ppl can we lay off the "value of verbal shocks" just until we are out of the delivery room and can start our journey to full mental and physical recovery 100% for all the "big sister, big brother" talks because the only people who know ANYTHING about exactly what I'm going thorough are the people pn this site and as soon as I'm not accepted here anymore then it's curtains.  Because I can beat my own self up. It's the reassurance I'm looking for here it's bad enough we have to worry about carrying addicted baibies who are depressed becuase that's how we are most of the day. Not so harsh, please
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I am so glad u responded and that I am not the only one in this position.  My hormones are all over the place as it is, I cry over country music songs!  So really "tough love and verbal shocks" it just a little more than I can handle right now.  How far along are you?  I am waiting for the doppler I ordered to come in so we can listen to our babies heartbeat anytime we want, especially when I think I want a pill:)  I have been watching "A baby story" and other shows like that on TV and spending time w/ my 6 yr old dd telling her about when she was born, looking  at pictures, her baby book ect...it helps keep me focused on what is important and not my addiction. I have also begun leaving the tram at home and carrying the lortab w/me so I use that when I need it and not the other.  I can do this and am proud I've been able to stay w/in the taper amount and not take more.  This is especially hard I find when I feel upset I guess I have used the pills to cope w/ my emotional upsets over the years and now need to find new coping mechanisms.  Hugging my little girl and reading have helped distract me from the cravings.I am also going to look into getting one of those 3-D pregnancy ultrasounds just to make sure everything it where it is suppose to be and hopefully see wether it is a boy or a girl.  PM me g4fly and tell me more about yourself and your situation, we need to support each other and keep our chins up:)
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im glad that you at least acknowledge that the drugs are not good for you or your unborn and also proud of your willpower to taper and not overmedicate.  i wish u luck and maybe when u deliver u can think about rapid detox and being clean 4 good to concentrate on your family and not an addiction.   best wishes and congrats  DN
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