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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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Lots have been happening since my last post. I see CO has been ruled out, how about the other gases like HS, which is very similar as well. I know it has an odor but apparently low long term exposure causes olfactory fatigue?

Anyways I have been looking into IBS, SIBO and gut bacteria based on ray2502's GI doctor's diagnosis. Hopefully this will lead us into the right direction.

Ray2502, that's great to hear that you might have a chance at using the GCMS at your workplace. I would suggest trying to convince the guy to possibly do a test run to see how it works because your so fascinated in learning about it. Maybe he'll agree? At the same time he wouldn't know what your real motive is. If you do get a chance, I would just go back on a normal diet with no food restrictions of course, that should likely be enough. Just make sure that your patm reactions are noticeably higher than usual. I think eating lots of junk food may actually skew the results.
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I agree with your ideas on private message. You can start with yourself to establish a pattern first. There’s just one problem with that. Because of the diet and medication you’re taking, it might lower the effect and therefore the overall result. For an experiment that cost so much we need to maximize the result and leave no room for errors.

One way you can counter that deficit is by proceeding on a junk diet during the holidays for two or more days and secure samples promptly and store, then you can return to your diet afterwards. If you are able to convince your researchers for a date, you can just acquire the stored sample to utilize that preferably.
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I stongly believe I have Hyperthyroidism, I have many of the symptoms, it links a lot of things for me, but I do not want to go to the doctor and get it diagnosed. Can I just live with it without having medication?
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That’s great news Ray!!! Congratulations! I wish professors and researchers within my university were easy to approach. For once I was convinced that I’d be the one to do that experiment 5 years from now but looks like we may have a chance to do it much sooner. I think it’s better you guys do it because you have far superior equipments than ours or any other university out there. I feel jealous..lol.

Please try and befriend him if that’s possible and if not we’d need to raise some funds.

I think the best thing now is to thing about collecting samples. You can’t use yourself because you’re the one doing the coordination. So we need samples from others, 2-10 people would surely give good samples in case a repetition is needed.

We need to arrange some members with patm near you in the U.S. to come over with samples. Patmers giving samples must eat as much junk as possible 8 hours before donating samples.
Taking samples for patmer is easy! Just take an empty plastic bottle (like an empty thoroughly cleaned plastic coke bottle) which is air tight when closed, have the patm breath inside with a long bend straw that goes all the way to the bottom end of the bottle (bottle must be inverted when this process is done). Patmer must blow and push all the air out of the bottom of the inverted bottle to replace it with his own breath, the bottle must be closed air-tight still upside down. You can store all 10 samples of bottles and wait while we negotiate how to do this experiment. The lab experts can easily extract the sample when needed. The bigger the bottle the more sample you have lest the researchers want more samples later.

If we can identify the organic molecule(s) involved in patm, it will be case closed for patm. We can just ask the same people afterwards or some researchers elsewhere around the world to connect the dots between those molecule(s) and cellular processes within the gut/body etc.

I’m doing an assignment and reflecting on what to convince those researchers to do this experiment without looking like a total loony. What would it take other than money?
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I have good news and some bad news.

First, the guys in our chem lab do have the ability to do an organic test using the Gas Chromatic Mass Spectrometer. They can take a healthy person's breath and use it as a standard to check an unhealthy persons breath. They will take the data and plot it and we should see the differences. Something should be out of the ordinary or stick out like a sore numb.

The bad news is that it would cost $2000.00 and I would be exposing myself to the company/government. I can try to buddy up with him to see if he might do it as a favor.

He is going to provide me with some names of gases that usually show up on people's breath that have cancer.
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Could you please tell us more about the drug you have been taking, if we can buy it on the web, or even the name of the product, scientific name or any indication which help us look for that and perhaps that is the cure.
For sur that will be a valuable information to all of us.
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