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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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I also tested positive with the spit test. Has anyone had a friend or relative try the test just to see a negative result?
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There is a negative result on my message board: http://www.geocities.com/fecalbodyodor/thereisacure.html?1168718719490
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The fist time I tested positive, I had done the candida treatment. I think it worked because at some point I did the test several times and it was negative. I was so happy. Unfortunately, that did not last. I started having the same signs again, and when I tested it was positive again. And ever since I can't get it to be negative again, meaning the candida if that is what I have has become resistant to the supplements that I was using. As I started a new treatment, I will take the test this week-end to see if there is any progress.
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Thanks for sharing. We need more personal stories so we can determine if Candida is indeed the cause. Please do the spit test everyone!
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I think this makes a lot of sense fecalbodyodor. I agree with you that I may have stopped too early. And I also think that if candida has ovecome the other bacteria, that have built foundations to defend themselves against any newcomers. I think you're absolutely right. At least it makes sense. However, as I said before, doctors do not believe in this. So it's going to take skills to convince them that we need candida treatment when they don't believe we're sick. I was lucky to have my doctor agree to prescribe medicines against anaerobic bacteria and fungus. Hopefully if I add that to the probiotic and exercise plus drinking plenty of water, eating right, and reducing stress, things will get better. I have found some relief by using probiotics. But I don't want to encourage anyone to take them if that's not what they really need. As I said earlier, if it aint broke dont fix it. I know I need it because in addition to my causing others allergic reactions I have all types of body odors plus chronic constipation. So I know probiotics should help me some. I will keep you posted. Thanks guys, and keep posting.
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I am also currently treating my candida.  I am seeing a nutritionist/ND to test for mineral/vitamin deficiencies and to treat candida also.  I am starting on anti-depressants, which are also known to help candida.  I have the white tongue too.
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