616227 tn?1251076398

CHALLENGE POST - Junk Food Busters Are Here!

Good Morning Junk Food Junkies! Lol....

Today I Have A Very Interesting Challenge For You!

We Have Noticed Latley That There Has Been A Lot Of Talk About Junk Food On The Board.

So We Have Decided Today To Come Up With A Plan To Bust Your Junk Food Cravings!

Here Is How This Is Going To Work...

You List Your Top Junk Foods On This Post And We Will Come Up With A Healthier Alternative!

We Can Guarnatee That We Will Have A Better Replacement That You Will Love Even More!

Are You Game For It? Are You Ready To Get Busted? Lol... Let's Bring Out Those Secret Cravings!
14 Responses
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703362 tn?1427766328
No worries....I can't tolerate the cream filling myself.  Leaves me with an icky feeling in my mouth, although I didn't know about the beef fat.  But I did always wonder what was in them that left that coating in my mouth.  Strange!  That's okay...we are definitely all different.  Maybe if you really really want some cake you could make some cake with some healthy substitutions, only instead of making a full-size cake, you could separate it into cupcakes.....TaDa!  Ready made portions!  
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I dont eat any of the Hostess products since i found out most of there cream products may contain beef fat. Its just something I cant get past and eat again. That includes the 100 cal packs too.
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362249 tn?1441315018
Thats the cakes i got this past week! The carrot cake one! i love them they are so good! No i did not finish it one day or even 2 lol! when i buy the box of 6 that means 6 days one per day thats it!!
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483733 tn?1326798446
I cannot keep sweets or junk food in the house.  Even if I make a healthy cake it will disappear too fast so is no good.  When I get a bad craving I will try having a handful of almonds or an activia yogurt and hope that it kills it.  Sometimes a little clementine orange does it for me too.  When I can't control it (generally when I've let myself get too hungry when out) I go for a one serving chocolate bar with nuts or a cupcake or donut.  I can't buy a bag of little chocolate bars or treats and think that one when I have a craving will work - I end up going at it until they are gone.  If I crave ice cream I go and have a kiddie portion.  One thing that has helped is that I bought the chocolate Calcium chews so I can get my calcium and vitamin D.  They are only about 20 calories each, taste good and do give me that chocolate feeling.
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I'm not much of a cake or cookie person.In matter of fact, I don't like cake at all. But I did see at the grocery store that Hostess now has their cup cakes, carrot cake and many others in a 100 calorie pack. So if you must eat cake, you can try the 100 calorie pks. in moderation. You don't want to eat all of the pks. in the box. LOL. I guess that my weakness is roasted almonds and if I crave something sweet, I will buy a pint of cherry garcia ice cream. But I don't eat the whole pint in one sitting. It's just that a pint is the smallest amount you can buy at the store, and it would last me a week.  I'm not too big on ice cream, but once in awhile I do get a craving but it's only for the cherry garcia. I also crave three musketeer bars once in a great while. But that's the only candy I will eat once in a great while. I just don't really eat sweets too often.  I don't keep the junk food on hand because it ends up going bad and I have to throw it out. But my weekness is PIZZA. I don't have it that often, but when I do, watch out.
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My Junk Cravings:

1). Premenstrual go-to would be boxed, instant potatoes with canned gravy.

2). CHOCOLATE, any time. I really don't eat it every day anymore, though. But hubby got a Magic Bullet for Christmas and will make me whipped chocolate milk (1% milk) when I NEED chocolate.

3). Salty, crunchy stuff (like chips). I never buy the stuff but every now and then we give in to the craving. I TRY to buy baked if they're on sale.
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703362 tn?1427766328
msniki412:  Okay....was looking for options.  Found sites with ways to make cakes healthier.  But I was wondering...what is it about the cakes and cookies that you crave?  Is it the sweetness, the texture?  If it is all of the above or the texture...I would recommend making that carrot cake or maybe banana nut muffins, but doing a makeover on them with whole wheat baking flour, healthy oil (decreased amount as well), maybe Splenda for baking if you don't mind it, etc....but still get some of that taste that you are looking for.  

If it is just a general sweet tooth, I would try the tea that Barb was mentioning and you could even add something like a banana and get that sweet fix there too.  

Barb:  I rather enjoy sea salt as well.  You are so right, it has minerals that our bodies can use and a little goes a long way, so you actually end up using less overall.  I actually have some sea salt in a pepper grinder and use it in the same way that I would regular salt.  
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649848 tn?1534633700
My main craving is chips!!  I usually buy the Lay's ones in the blue bag with 50% less salt.  I really like the "Simply Sea Salt" chips.

BTW - my cardiologist told me yesterday that because sea salt has extra minerals, etc and it doesn't take so much to make things taste "salty"  that I can go ahead and "salt away".  I don't really recommend this and even though it came from my cardio, I know that I have to keep it all in perspective.  

Oh - I've learned that a cup of hot green tea sweetened with stevia helps curb cravings for me.  
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703362 tn?1427766328
I forget the name of the brand....but I have heard Ranae tell of some awesome fudgsicles that she likes that are very lo-cal...these might be a good option for 'those times'.  When she pops in we'll get her to tell us what kind they are.  

You all had me thinking chocolate, so I had one of those protein bars I was mentioning.  Good stuff...I'm telling you!  Chocolate and peanut butter flavor.  ; )  The good news is that it was snack time anyway, it was only 150 calories, I have eaten very well all day (and worked my bootie off at the gym), and I will not be hungry until dinner.  

I'm trying to think of some options for cake.....brb
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PMS i deff crave anything chocolate. I try to control that with some sugar free Dove dark chocolate candies. You can eat 5 (serving size) and its about 160 calories. Chips I sometimes will eat them, however I dont like the baked chips ( they dont tast like "real" chips) so I otp for UZT No added Salt chips (also low cal too) and only 5mg of salt per serving.

My junk food craving is any type of cake or cupcake or cookie!! Chocolate cake, Vanilla or Red Velvet cake or my fave Carrot Cake. And Mrs.Fields chocolate chip cookies....mmmmm, oh man now i want a cookie!!!! : /
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362249 tn?1441315018
Junk food, did i hear junk food? Aw shucks thought you was gonna pass out freebies Skailark lol!! JK!! Well I think every1 knows im the biggest junkie here lol!! Well i guess chips is the worst thing for me right now although i do try to stick with the 100 cal. packs though! I love candy any chocolate but i have done good since starting in November i really have only bought 1 candy bar and none for my house at all!!
Trudie-lol dont get me started on PMS! OMG i hate that time right b4 that day i just cant get full i want it all!! Anything and everything i never feel satisified!! its definetly the worst time!!
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703362 tn?1427766328
Lemme see....

Banana bread and those sorts of bakery items are really not so bad if made with whole wheat and replacement of the bad oils.  

So far as when I crave something sweet....I love my Herbalife protein bars.  They taste like chocolate, so it's very much like eating a candy bar.  Only 140 calories...10 grams of protein and fiber...although I can't remember off of the top of my head how much fiber exactly.

I have replaced chips with popcorn and pretzels....baked chips if I absolutely want chips, just watch my portion.  Not sure on the dip though.  I make some dip for veggie trays using no-fat yogurt.  Maybe you could make a dip with no-fat yogurt and some of those salad dressing packets perhaps?  

How about it...anyone else have some ideas for replacements on these particular items?  
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483733 tn?1326798446
I usually get PMS cravings each month.  When that happens I might eat a chocolate bar (I do try and make a healthy hot chocolate first to see if squelches it), a donut or pastry, or chips with french onion sour cream dip (this is usually my more emotional eating go to).
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700212 tn?1240760820
I love sweet carbs...like banana bread and stuff like that...Soo bad for me...But oh so yummy
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