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11 - 20 of 117583 Posts
I recently changed my birth control pills from junel Fe 1/20 to Azurette. I had been on Junel fe for years, and was on Azurette before as well. I decided to switch back to Azurette because it helps my acne. However, I was advised to use a backup method for...

Hi ladies please help me how do I keep my iron levels in control they are way too low I dnt understand what to do I cnteat most of the time coz I feel sick .. plz advice I wud b grgreatfull. X

Hi all! Please kindly comment on this. Sepember 2012 Hbsag 1900 IU Hbeag neg DNA und ( <60 IU) Alt 25 Fe 13 Started Vit D3 1000 iU, vit E, selenium, Milk thistle, blubery, October 2012 Alt 45 Fe 13 Added glutathion (livon lab) Zn, Vit...

I switched to Junel fe 1/20 about 2 months ago, I've taken the pill daily and haven't been sexually active since I switched, but before I was. I have yet to get my period in these two months I've been on it, I've felt like I was on my period and even got c...

I've been on my bc (loestrin fe) for about 7 months now. I've never missed a pill but occasionally take it at a different time. Between 7:10 and 7:30. I know that that's alright but I go on and off with periods. Sometimes it starts with the white pills and...

Hi, I have been on Microgestin Fe 1/20 for about 5 months and last month switched to Microgestin Fe 1.5/30 to assist breakthrough bleeding. It is working out however, prior to switchjng doses my acne had cleared up GREATLY but since I began the new dos...

i reciently fould out that i have hep c. i'm not working & have no insurance. does anyone have any ideas as to how i can go about getting treatment? does any place offer treatment when u can afford to pay for it? i jsut want to get the **** over with so i ...

My glucose came back normal yay!! But I am a little anemic :/

Hey everyone, I'm a FTM, around week 33, having a girl we can't wait for, due date around aug 16. So far, everything went normal and at my last check up with obgyn Friday she was almost 2 pounds. Obgyn said everything is fine and to come back in a month wh...

hi all i misscarried early january then i fell pregnant again at the end of feb but then i started to misscarry again 24/04 i bled for around 10 days then starte again on 16/05 for 6 days an then started again on 28/05 which has still not stopped te last f...

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