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11 - 20 of 4195 Posts
hi my question is do YOU think it's thyoids? o.k. here's my symptoms: nauaea (not all time ) fatigue,dizziness,weakness in musles,muscle aches,(constipation, always had as far back as i can remember)brittle hair,toe nails look like calcium build up,dry fe...

Dear Doc, IM 30 yrs old now and back in 1998 or 1999 i had a relationship with a married woman for close to 3 or 6 months not sure of the same...during that time we only preformed oral unprotected sex every time we met where she only sucked me and i...

33 yr. old F, disabled for 3 yrs due to severe pelvic neuropathy, and burning in hands and arms w/ radiation into face. All are triggered by position. Dx. with Pudendal Neuralgia and TOS. Treated unsucc. w/ steroid and botox injections. Long hx. of recurre...

Born with hep b from infected mother. Mother has 2 brothers and all infected . All of them are on nucs. Since I might be going through a reactivation is it safe to say that reactivation maybe hereditary. If everyone in my family is hbeag - hbeab + mutation...

I am a 45 year old female with a fairly crazy surgical history. Left knee arthroscopy for torn cartilage (1981); five endometriosis and ovarian cyst laparascopic surgeries in the early 1990's; anterior laminectomy & fusion C6-C7 (1995); posterior discecto...

Hi, was wondering if drugs could affect me now pl.....I stopped taking riboferin, interferon and victrellis about 4 weeks ago but Now my hair seems to be falling out......I am still taking Eprex to help with hemoglobin and blood etc and I was in treatment ...

I have successfully been on wellbutrin (300mg/day) for 6 months. For 4 of those months I was also on effexor but my doctor and I tapered myself off of the effexor because I disliked the side effects. For the last 10 days I have noticed myself getting mor...

I have had moderate to severe RA for 5 years. Take Enbrel once a week and am supposed to take 5mg. injectible of methotrexate weekly. I had gone without the methotrexate for at least six months and have not noticed any difference at all. I am scared to dea...

First , I apologize for my english. I received a brief oral sex from a girl for about 5 seconds. then I mastubate myself untill i was done. I have known her for 2 years now. She told me that she get tested every year for HIV. What is the possibily of being...

Hi, my name is Tina and I was dianosed with endometriosis and adenomyosis in 1997. In 1998 I traveled out-of-state to have a hysterectomy by a doctor who specializes in a surgical procedure to irradicate all possible endo. He tacked my ovaries back in and ...

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