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41 - 50 of 347878 Posts
today i saw a pain mngmt dr, he took me off hydrocodone 7.7/500mg, and tramadol 50mg, i was allowed 4 vicodins a day and up to 8 tramadol. i have an appt to see him next thursday to, He put me on morphine sulfate IR 1m mg, 1 tab 2x's a day and morphine...

This ain't too bad. Yesterday at this time I was really in pain - esophageal spasm or chest cramp or whatever the heck it is. The doctor gave me some 10 mg Baclofen, and it seems to have done the trick. At least until five minutes ago. I'm starting to ...

I thought I had a UTI when I went to the doctor yesterday. I had WBC in my urine and so she gave me bactrim... but today I had a clear yellow-mucousy discharge. do I have to go back and get something else and pay for another appt. or will the Bactrim cur...

Good morning. I am a mother of three and odd for the summer. I have been on lortab for 8 years for a chronic condition. I want to stop taking these but any time I try I get extremely sick. I have tried before and failed. I need to do this and be able to fu...

Anyone have thoughts about Celebrex for pain management? In addition to the way Hep C makes me feel, I have arthritis in my foot joints - something that was completely manageable with Advil but now that I am Advil free, looking for something that works but...

I have hep C stage 3 1b... I have had 2 urinary track infections in 2 month after fininshing treatment. just last week my doctor prescribe Cipro 500mg sub>Ciprofloxacn 500MG tab west-ward...and I just now looked up this medicine and found out after taking ...

From last few days I am experiencing pain in left part of brain towards scalp, simultaneously on back part of left eye and in area from eye to ear. Pain increase while I am sleeping and subsides slowly after I wake up. What it is?

Well. This is my first time posting so, I'm Ben, and i'm 15. :P The other week I got this extrmely badn itch in the inside of my ear. Being a typical guy I just slotted my finger in my ear and itched it. About an hour later, this discharge started coming o...

I am healthy male of 39 years of age. In 2008 My lower BP was on higher side so the local doctor suggested me to take ATEN-D half teb per day. After few months I had the problem of Gastric and heartburn so local doctor suggested me the Ocid and perinorm -D...

I was in an auto accident last night. The MD wrote a script for Baclofen 20mg 4 times daily. I have 15 Flexeril 10 mg tabs it is written 1 tab at bedtime if needed. which med. works best for muscle pain & spams?

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