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456370 tn?1206138105

Lost and Scared in Indiana

I like someone else on here have committed prescription fraud! But I wasn't the one calling in the scripts, I just picked them up. I  am clean and have been for months. I haven't been physically addictted for almost a year but I can't say that I haven't used at all I would be lying.  I picked up 3 scripts that were called in and the other 2 the pharmacy either wouldn't let me do it or they were acting funny and I didn't try but they all either recognized me from working at the Pharmacy or from picking up meds b4.  

I haven't been fromally charged yet. The SIU (special investigations unit) wanted me to be a informant. They said that they would make my file "go away" if I would make a list of all the people I know that use and sell. Well.....at first I thought about it bcuz I have 2 little girls and I just went thru and messy divorce and I was scared to death. I have never been in trouble for anything in my life. But when I got to thinking I couldn't go thru with it. I made and fake list and added a few names of some people that I knew had already been busted blah blah.........well the copd lied imagine that. My file didn't disapear!!!! They wanted me to wear a wire and try to go into peoples houses that I knew and buy. Or take them in and they could pretend to be my boyfriend and they could get in good with the people and eventually they could buy off them. WELL hell no! I have two kids to worry about and I wish that this would all go away but its not and I'm having a real hard believing that I'm gonna go free if I NARK. They are not thinking about my kids at all bcuz if they were they wouldn't try and put me in a potentionally dangerous situation where I could get caught setting someone up. I or me kids could be killed for doiing something like this.

They won't quit calling me and questioning me!  I can't afford an attonrney. I just spent all my moneyon my divorce lawyer. What in the hell am I supposed to do?! I am scared of these guys and what they might say about me if I don't cooperate with them. I have tired but I really don't have anyone to goto anyway bcuz like I said I have basically been clean for almost a year.  I have tired to explain that to them but they still call.  I know that its a felony and it;s punishable to UP to 5 years but thats the max and I don't have a record at all. I have seen where one woman got 2 tears probation and 100 hours of community service so I don't or at least I am hoping and praying that I don't get jail time or a felony. I would loose the 2 things that mean the most to me and thats my kids. I know that I screwed up but I don't think that I should be bullied by these Narcotic Team of Cops either.

Help me ------Lost in Indiana
25 Responses
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I agree
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536882 tn?1225512859
I agree with you in saying the cops are doing their job.  But when they start making deals they don't follow through with, I think i'd stop cooperating there and allow my lawyer to take care of the rest.  You are right, There is a reason we have laws and that these medications are strictly monitored so the law does have every right to pursue charges if need be.  If she were willing to give names of those involved (which she claims she 'made up') they shouldn't make deals they aren't willing to follow through with.  That's all I was saying as far as not cooperating any further.
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You have already spoken too much to the cops to get off the hook or "remain silent and contact an attorney" as someone else advised.

The whole "I'm not a nark" mentality is detrimental. The cops can actually help you. The fact is, YOU screwed up. They can lie about whatever they want in order to get you to talk. They're doing their job- you broke the law though. Remember that.

If the cops are saying they will let you off the hook if you cooperate, get it in writing. You do NOT want an RX fraud charge on your record! Even if you get probation, its still on your record. Tell them you will cooperate if you get it in writing that you wont be charged with anything.  Tell them your fears of retaliation if you were to "nark".

In my opinion, you should do everything you can to get the person calling in the scripts to STOP. Which would include working with the cops. Get a public defender if needed, but remember, the moment you stop talking to the cops they will probably charge you with a crime.
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Has anyone considered that the cops are just doing their job? Everyone seems to be jumping on the cops for lieing but wasnt this whole situation started with a lie by the poster. As far as them not having her best interests in mind I hope not. I hope they have the victims of pharmacy fraud in mind,,the people who need and use meds responsibibly and now have trouble obtaining them due to the stigma attached by what others do in getting their meds. I do have sympathy for the poster and can even relate to making bad choices in my addiction but theres nothing she can do about the methods that law enforcement uses,,,only about the choices she makes.. Having said that ,,I agree with getting a lawyer and letting him do his job but I"d wait till the law makes their move which they may not do anything,,gl
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536882 tn?1225512859
If and when you are formally charged, you will be provided with an attorney.  I wouldn't do anything until then.  They are trying to get every ounce of information from you they can.  Once they know they can't get anymore, then they will charge you and you won't have any leverege (sp?) on your side.  If you can't afford an attorney, just keep quiet until you're charged, then the court HAS to appoint one for you.  I would begin a diary and write down EVERYTHING.  Everything you have done, admit to, and all the bargains they offer you.  Include names of detectives etc.  But dont comply with anything else.  Sounds to me like they are not worried about your best interests.
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If you are clean, and you picked up scripts for a "friend" or family member, etc..  What can they  do?  If you submit to a drug test they have nothing to bite into, but you picking up medicine for sick friends.  It seems privacy would come in somewhere, but of course I am not an attorney, and whatever it takes , it sounds like you will need to find someone to help you.  When it comes to the law, common sense is thrown out the window, but that can also work in your favor...  like entrapment, and other "methods" of catching people that might not be on the up and up...

Also, try to act like you are cooperating, but don't answer the phone, or change the number, etc.  to get some temporary relief from them.
I know this must be hard, but you are going to have to make some tough choices, and being clean may be a huge benefit for you.  
Good luck
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I'm no lawyer, but if they haven't pressed the charges and booked you?  Then it doesn't seem to me that they have enough evidence to make anything stick.  Maybe I misread your note (onle 2 hours sleep last night).  They do lie and intimidate you .. good luck.
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228936 tn?1249094248
I agree with your choice. The cops try to imtimidate you and lie a lot. You say you have been basically clean but that doesn't really say much. Things like this have much less of a chance of happening if you are all the way clean. all the best
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454371 tn?1221297385
That happened to my daughter, Got busted with drugs, 1st time no record. They were her bf drugs. He got off, she got p.o. for 6mos and drug testing, then a fine, the point was the cops lied to her. they try to scare these young kids. just lites my fire.... You need legal help, find the money, make payments, whatever you have to do.. You do not want to walk in there and let them hang you..... Good luck baby, and stay strong, it will come to an end.....
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417564 tn?1287982827
Not a big fan of most cops...due to situations like yours.  I am also angry about the mentality of the cops around here....they would chase you through a meth lab to bust you with a joint!  lol...it is true
So sorry you are having to endure this, but be strong...they are playing on your fears...it sounds to me like you have received some good advice here.
Hang in there honey, it will work out, I know it may not seem that way now.
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456069 tn?1206079148
Thats gotta be scary..and thats just what they are relying on. They employ intimidation tactics, and depend on that in order to get folks to talk. Don't talk to them. Just hang up if need be...at this stage of the game since you haven't been formally charged with anything, they are at best trying to conduct an interview (I'd call it a fishing expedition, but thats a lay term). Even if they were to take you in for questioning, if you aren't under arrest or formally charged, you have the right to walk out of an interview at any time. As a friend who is a former police officer told me, the reason most get caught is because someone opens their mouth, and if anyone involved drops a dime, everyone involved goes down. Without evidence, they can't do diddly squat unless someone talks, and you always have the right to silence. Period! Take a deep breath, hang up the phone when they call, and don't give into playing their game. They'll use any subtrafuge, coercion or intimidation tactic they think they can get away with in order to get you give them what they want, and in no way shape or form are they gonna be there to do you or yours any favors. If they had anything concrete, you would have been arrested. For all they know you never saw where the scripts generated from, you were just the mule. You've been clean, and even if they wanted to do a conventional disclosure test, you'd test clean.You don't need to give them anything!
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Yeah there Miz... gangster girl knows wut she talkin bout!!
and yes, i have the right to remain silent, but not sure if i have the ability......usually screamin my *** off!!
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LOL Newmanagement we are speaking the same language (again) heh
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I'm not saying cops are all bad but I am saying they can lie if they need to further an investigation. (its LEGAL) So many people listen to the promises but if the DA isnt involved and putting offers in writing I dont think there is any merit to what they are saying to make things "better" for you. I'd see if you are going to be charged with anything and if so, ask for a Public Defender. If you are not going to be charged dont accept the calls. They have to charge you or not and whatever info you give them prior to a charge is up to you. Even when ARRESTED you have the right to remain silent, remember that.
If you have already been charged, ask for legal assistance. If you cannot afford counsel one will be appointed.
No, I'm not an attorney, I just know some.
Good luck.
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Files never go away, and when ya wear a wire, chances are ya are only gonna get a reduced sentence... or get caught in the home wearin the wire, and end up dead.. seen it, so tell em NO...
Wut state are you in?  i would tell em to charge me, and get appointed a public pretender,,, ah defender. if ya arent happy with the first one, get another one, ya cn fire 2 in most states. this will take up at least 8-12 months!
Is this your first felony, and how many misdemeanors do you have.. please repost, i am not a lawyer, but i know my rights, and i know your situation. if ya have doubts, read my journal...
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417971 tn?1237142707
sorry about that, What kind of advice do you give when it is legal like that and it was not your fault?  I'm so happy that you are not having problems with the pill addiction because that is a fight in itself!! If you overcame that one then you can do this for sure.  Good luck!
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(PM) Privite Message, go to your messages
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456370 tn?1206138105
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456370 tn?1206138105
yeah I shouldn't have been this involved but it was 4 my grandma. her doc took her off of her oc's and ever since she has been highly addictted and running short on meds !!! So now I have screwed myself
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269563 tn?1205794864
Sorry to hear your going through this. Most cops lie about stuff like that and when and if your day in court comes up all the prosecution will say is "the suspect has been cooperative"..... BIG DEAL. Its not worth risking your life or your families life and law enforcement should never put you in such a situation. Please feel free to PM me with any questions. Ive had my share of legal troubles and might be able to help out.
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417971 tn?1237142707
wow, I was just wallowing or however you spell that, in my missfortune and maybe it  is not so bad after all....I hope somone has some advice for you but it does not seem right that you are getting this involved if you have nothing to do with it for a year? How come?
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306455 tn?1288862071
First call around for a lawyer that might do a free consult, just to pick their brain alittle.
I would tell the cops that because of your kids, you can't narc on anyone because that could indanger your children or yourself and take your chance with the law. You get someone arrested, they'll be out on bail and could come looking for you. Nasty situation you're in. So sorry.
Good luck.
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340590 tn?1290952141
i am sorry you are going through all this.  the good thing is we can learn from our mistakes.  i agree that the narcotic cops should not be putting you in danger.  i hope everything works out for you.  and i hope you learned from your mistakes
good luck
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429432 tn?1343594190
hey check your pm  cat
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