723842 tn?1231534472


Okay i had posted early about me wanting to lose weight and if walking 2 hours at the park was good but the problem is i always fall off the wagon and end up eating ima not suppose to its so hard when my mom makes the grease food but she just says ur brothers go to eat and stuff like that so i always end up eating it..... I NEED SERIOUS HELP SO I WON'T FALL OFF THE WAGON ANYMORE....Last year i played soft ball for my school and i was staring to lose weght but ima not playing this year cause there is nothing but skinny girls this year i feel bad...... SO THATS why i decided just to walk at the park but i really need help so that i wont get tempted to eat anymore of the food ima not suppose to some one give me advice plz plz i need help thanx for those who comment.....
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First thing that I think is important, is to sit down with your mom and have a serious conversation about your concerns about the way she prepares your food. You have to let her know that you're trying to get down to a healthy weight, and the heavy greasy food she prepares is not only not good for you, but it's hard to control yourself around it (try not to be judgemental about it though. Just let her know you want to try lighter foods) I understand it's hard when you're a teenager and have limited control of the food that's available to you at home, but sometimes a conversation about the matter is all it takes. Maybe you could go grocery shopping with your mom and try and find healthier alternatives to the type of food she usually makes and come to a compromise. She can start cooking with nonstick spray intead of butter, she can sautee foods in a little bit of olive or canola oils (very healthy oils) rather than deep frying. She can grill meats rather than breading and frying. Eating more fresh vegetables than sides prepared in cream, butter or cheese sauces. Buying lean poultry like chicken and turkey breast instead of dark meat. Relying more on herbs and natural seasoning than tons of salt and butter. Stuff like that.

I think it's great that you played softball last year and really don't think you should feel threatened by "the skinny girls" and not play this year. It's great exercise and if  it's an activity you really enjoy, it would be a shame to not participate. If you do prefer walking in the park, that's great too, but you *may* get bored with that after a while if you're not doing something you really enjoy, like softball. That's just something to take into consideration.

It really is diffucult to avoid temptation if all of your "trigger foods" are right there under your nose, so I think talking to your mom about the food she brings into the house is the best way to start.
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703362 tn?1427766328
And by all means my dear....if you love softball, you go for it!  It is wonderful exercise and you never mind those 'skinny ones'...you will be getting your exercise and having fun.  A two in one that cannot be beat!  I know just how you feel...I see them at the gym also.  I just stick to it and look straight ahead and do my own thing.  No matter what they think...I am working on me.  And that is all that matters.  ; )  Walking is also definitely good.  

I agree also to have a little talk with your Mom.  You also might be able to cut back on serving sizes on some of those things and ask your Mom about some fresh fruits and veggies while you are at it.  They will help to make you feel fuller and give you some vitamins and minerals as well.  
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Most softball teams I've seen play have heavier girls on them, too. Don't let your weight stop you. Not only that, but playing softball will help you slim down, too.

Watch your portions. And as the other ladies said, talk to your mom. You might also want to try cooking yourself! Tell your mom you'll cook every Thursday night or something and make something healthy.
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703362 tn?1427766328
I should tell you....my daughter is 15.  She also plays softball.  She is 5' 10" and about 180.  She would also like to be slimmer.  But I'll tell you something....she can hit that ball a lot harder than the skinny girls because she has a lot more muscle to back it up.  

I also want you to know that it is very important that we be kind to ourselves if we have 'fallen off the wagon.'  We need to forgive ourselves, pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and then try some more.  And it's definitely okay to have some treats now and then.  It helps me to have small treats so that I do not feel deprived.  When I feel deprived entirely like I can "never" have something....it sort of makes it a depressing situation.  But when I plan out treats in advance (but better treats than maybe before...low-cal pudding, etc.), I can feel good about my choice because it's pretty low-cal and healthy, yet not feel deprived of something tasty when I really want it.  
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